153 describe 'GET search/almonds' do 154 it 'should map /foods/search/almonds to {:controller => :foods, :action => :search, :name => "almonds"}' do 155 {:get => '/foods/search/almonds'}.should route_to(:controller => 'foods', :action => 'search', :name => 'almonds') 156 end 157 end 158 159 describe 'GET almonds' do 160 it 'should map /almonds to {:controller => :foods, :action => :search, :name => "almonds"}' do 161 {:get => '/almonds'}.should route_to(:controller => 'foods', :action => 'search', :name => 'almonds') 162 end 163 end [nick@tuatara ~/src/isitpaleo] spec spec/controllers/foods_controller_spec.rb ..................F 1) Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError in 'FoodsController GET almonds should map /almonds to {:controller => :foods, :action => :search, :name => "almonds"}' The generated path <"/foods/search/almonds"> did not match <"/almonds"> If you're expecting this failure, we suggest { :get => "/almonds" }.should_not be_routable ./spec/controllers/foods_controller_spec.rb:161: Finished in 0.117746 seconds 19 examples, 1 failure [nick@tuatara ~/src/isitpaleo]