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C, pasted on Oct 19:

$Jan = 31;
$Mar = 31;
$Apr = 30;
$May = 31;
$Jun = 30;
$Jul = 31;
$Aug = 31;
$Sep = 30;
$Oct = 31;
$Nov = 30;
$Dec = 31;

$leap = date('L');

if ($leap) {

	$Feb = 29;

} else {

	$Feb = 28;


$months = Array('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec');

$daysinweek = Array('Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun');

$currmth = date('n');

if ($currmth == 12) {

	$nextmth = 'Jan';

	$newyr = date('Y') + 1;

} else {

	$nextmth = $months[$currmth];


if ($_POST['lastday']) {

	$month = $nextmth;
	$date = 1;

	if ($_POST['lastday'] == 'Sun') {

		$firstday = 'Mon';

	} else {

		$dayk = array_search($_POST['lastday'], $daysinweek);
		$firstday = $daysinweek[$dayk + 1];


	$dayofweek = $firstday;

} else {

	$month = date('M');
	$date = date('j');
	$dayofweek = date('D');


if ($_POST['newyr']) {

	$year = $newyr;

} else {

	$year = date('Y');


// get distance to first day of the month

$tmpdate = $date;
$dist = 0;

if ($tmpdate != 1) {

	while ($tmpdate != 1) {



	$tmpdate = $date - 1;

	$key = array_search($dayofweek, $daysinweek);

	$key = $key - 1;

	while ($dist > 0) {

		if ($key == -1) {

			$key = 6;


		$cal[$tmpdate] = $daysinweek[$key];





	$cal[$date] = $dayofweek;

	$tmpdate = $date + 1;

	$key = array_search($dayofweek, $daysinweek) + 1;

	while ($tmpdate <= $$month) {

		if ($key == 7) {

			$key = 0;


		$cal[$tmpdate] = $daysinweek[$key];




} else {

	$key = array_search($dayofweek, $daysinweek);

	$cal[$date] = $dayofweek;

	$date = $date + 1;

	$key = $key + 1;

	while ($date <= $$month) {

		if ($key == 7) {

			$key = 0;


		$cal[$date] = $daysinweek[$key];





echo "<table><tr><td align='center' colspan=7>", $month, " ", $year, "</td></tr><tr><td>M</td><td>T</td><td>W</td><td>T</td><td>F</td><td>S</td><td>S</td></tr>";

$key = 1;

$posinweek = 0;

while ($key <= $$month) {

	if ($posinweek == 0) {

		echo '<tr>';


	if ($posinweek == 7) {

		echo '</tr>';

		$tr = $tr + 1;

		$posinweek = 0;


	if ($posinweek <= 6) {

		if ($cal[$key] == $daysinweek[$posinweek]) {

			echo '<td>', $key, '</td>';



		} else {

			echo '<td></td>';





if ($tr != 4) {

	for ($i = 6; $posinweek <= $i; $posinweek++) {

		echo '<td>&nbsp;</td>';


} else {

	$posinweek = 0;

	echo '<tr>';

	for ($i = 6; $posinweek <= $i; $posinweek++) {

		echo '<td>&nbsp;</td>';


	echo '</tr>';


echo '</tr><tr>';

if ($_POST['lastday']) {

	echo "<td align='left' colspan=7><form name='myform' action='calendar.php' method='POST'><input type='hidden' name='currmth' value='yes'><input type='submit' value='Prev'></form></td>";

} else {

	if ($nextmth == 'Jan') {

		echo "<td align='right' colspan=7><form name='myform' action='calendar.php' method='POST'><input type='hidden' name='lastday' value='", $cal[$$month], 							"'><input type='hidden' name='newyr' value='yes'><input type='submit' value='Next'></form></td>";

	} else {

		echo "<td align='right' colspan=7><form name='myform' action='calendar.php' method='POST'><input type='hidden' name='lastday' value='", $cal[$$month], 							"'><input type='submit' value='Next'></form></td>";



echo '</tr>';
echo '</table>';


Create a new paste based on this one
