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Python, pasted on Jan 27:
import c4d, string
from c4d import documents, plugins

PID_MESSAGE = 1029730
PID_CMDDATA = 1029729
TOOLID      = 14055

class fhFreehandMessageData(plugins.MessageData):
	def __init__ (self):
		self.Cache = None
		self.IsActive = False
		self.Counter = 0

	def CoreMessage(self, id, bc):
		doc = documents.GetActiveDocument()

		# set the cache when the plugin instance has been created
		# and there is no cache yet
		if not self.Cache:
			self.Cache = doc.GetFirstObject()

		# ---> here it happens
		# listen for our commanddata id and togle the state
		if id == PID_CMDDATA:
			self.IsActive = not self.IsActive
			if self.IsActive:
				print 'Yay, i am back again.'
				print 'I should shut up ? You will be doomed without me !'

		# listen if c4d send EventAdd(EVMSG_CHANGE) and check if the
		# currently topmost object is the same to our stored / cached
		# object, if not there has been inserted a new object.
		elif id == c4d.EVMSG_CHANGE and doc.GetAction() == TOOLID:
			# add 'and self.IsActive, which is the short form for and self.IsActive == True'
			if self.Cache and self.Cache is not doc.GetFirstObject() and self.IsActive:
				self.Cache = doc.GetFirstObject()
				if self.Cache.GetType() == c4d.Ospline:
					print "Spline No.{0}, named {1} - this boring , can we do somethingg else please ?".format(self.Counter, self.Cache.GetName())
					self.Counter += 1
			# object is inserted but the plugin is not 'active'
			elif self.Cache and self.Cache is not doc.GetFirstObject() and not self.IsActive:
				print 'I am not allowed to say something... Ooops.'
		return True

class FreehandPlusToggle(c4d.plugins.CommandData):
    def __init__ (self):
        self.isActive = False

    def Execute(self, doc):
        self.isActive = not self.isActive
        # ---> send the message
        c4d.SpecialEventAdd(PID_CMDDATA, 0,0)
        return True

    def GetState(self, doc):
            if (self.isActive):
                return c4d.CMD_VALUE + c4d.CMD_ENABLED
                return c4d.CMD_ENABLED

if __name__ == "__main__":
    plugins.RegisterMessagePlugin(id  = PID_MESSAGE, 
                                 str  = "fhFreeHandMessage",
                                 info = c4d.PLUGINFLAG_SMALLNODE,
                                 dat  = fhFreehandMessageData())
    plugins.RegisterCommandPlugin(id  = PID_CMDDATA, 
    	                         str = "FreehandPlusToggle", 
    	                         info = 0, 
    	                         icon = None, 
    	                         help = "This is a Tooltip for FreehandPlusToggle.", 
    	                         dat = FreehandPlusToggle())

Traceback (most recent call last):
  Line 1, in <module>
    import c4d, string
ImportError: No module named c4d

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