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C++, pasted on Sep 12:
#include <vector>
#include <assert.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>

#undef WIN32
#define WINAPI 
#define LPVOID void*
#define DWORD int

template<int DIM, typename TYPE> class Vector;
struct TsFlow {
	int from;		// Feature number in signature 1 
	int to;			// Feature number in signature 2 
	double amount;	// Amount of flow from signature1.features[from] to signature2.features[to]

// some example interpolation function that you can use for the particles...
// ...if you're working on a Euclidean space in R^{DIM}
template<int DIM, typename SAMPLESTYPE> double sqrDistLinear(const Vector<DIM,SAMPLESTYPE> &F1, const Vector<DIM,SAMPLESTYPE> &F2);
template<int DIM, typename SAMPLESTYPE> double rbfFuncLinear(const Vector<DIM,SAMPLESTYPE> &center, const Vector<DIM,SAMPLESTYPE> &eval, double r2);
template<int DIM, typename SAMPLESTYPE> Vector<DIM,SAMPLESTYPE> interpolateBinsLinear(const Vector<DIM,SAMPLESTYPE>  &a, const Vector<DIM,SAMPLESTYPE>  &b, double alpha);

// forward declarations - you can skip that, they are not even needed with Visual Studio
template<int DIM, typename SAMPLESTYPE> struct InterpModeData;
template<int DIM, typename SAMPLESTYPE> DWORD WINAPI interpMode(LPVOID lpParam );

// and the interpolation class itself
template<int DIM, typename SAMPLESTYPE=double>
class Interpolator
	Interpolator(const std::vector<Vector<DIM,SAMPLESTYPE> > &_A, const std::vector<double> &_wA, 
				 const std::vector<Vector<DIM,SAMPLESTYPE> > &_B, const std::vector<double> &_wB, 
				 double (*_sqrDist)(const Vector<DIM,SAMPLESTYPE> &, const Vector<DIM,SAMPLESTYPE> &), 
				 double (*_kernel)(const Vector<DIM,SAMPLESTYPE> &, const Vector<DIM,SAMPLESTYPE> &, double),
				 Vector<DIM,SAMPLESTYPE>  (*_interpolateBins)(const Vector<DIM,SAMPLESTYPE> &, const Vector<DIM,SAMPLESTYPE> &, double alpha), 
				 double _kNNDist=2.0, unsigned int _NLevels=1) :
		A(_A), B(_B),        // the location in space of each sample point
		wA(_wA), wB(_wB),   // the value of each sample point
		sqrDist(_sqrDist),   // the cost of the particle travelling, typically a squared geodesic distance
		kernel(_kernel),     // the kernel, typically gaussian, to represent each particle
		interpolateBins(_interpolateBins), // the function to move particles along the geodesics
		kNNDist(_kNNDist),   // the standard deviation of the particles kernel, expressed in terms of distance to N'th nearest neighbor (1.5 means the distance halfway between the first and second nearest neighbor)
		NLevels(_NLevels),   // the number of frequency bands
		numberOfNN(3)		// number of nearest neighbors to precompute
	{ };

		void interpolate(double alpha, const std::vector<Vector<DIM,SAMPLESTYPE> > &samples, std::vector<double> &wResult)
			for (unsigned int numMode=0; numMode<resultFlow.size(); numMode++)
				InterpModeData<DIM, SAMPLESTYPE> data(numMode,alpha,resultFlow, interpolateBins, modes, kernel, variancesA, variancesB, A, B, sumWA, sumWB, samples);
				interpMode<DIM,SAMPLESTYPE>((void*) &data);				

	std::vector<std::vector<double> > modes;


	double (*sqrDist)(const Vector<DIM,SAMPLESTYPE>&, const Vector<DIM,SAMPLESTYPE>&);
	double (*kernel)(const Vector<DIM,SAMPLESTYPE>&, const Vector<DIM,SAMPLESTYPE>&, double);	
	Vector<DIM,SAMPLESTYPE>  (*interpolateBins)(const Vector<DIM,SAMPLESTYPE> &, const Vector<DIM,SAMPLESTYPE> &, double alpha);
	std::vector<Vector<DIM,SAMPLESTYPE> > A, B;
	std::vector<double> wA, wB;
	std::vector<double> sumWA, sumWB;
	unsigned int NLevels;

	std::vector<double> variancesA, variancesB;			// the variance actually used for the RBF	
	std::vector<std::vector<int> > allNNidA, allNNidB;  // distance of the k-NN to each sample	

	const unsigned int numberOfNN;

	std::vector<std::vector<TsFlow> > resultFlow;  // EMD flow between A and B
	double kNNDist;	

//////////////////////  OTHER CLASSES DEFINITIONS ///////////////////

template<int DIM, typename TYPE> class Vector
	Vector(){for(int i=0; i<DIM; i++) data[i]=(TYPE)0;};
	Vector(TYPE x, TYPE y) {assert(DIM==2); data[0]=x; data[1]=y;};
	Vector(TYPE x, TYPE y, TYPE z) {assert(DIM==2); data[0]=x; data[1]=y; data[2]=z;};
	Vector(const Vector<DIM,TYPE> &rhs){for(int i=0; i<DIM; i++) data[i]=rhs[i];};
	TYPE operator[](int i) const {return data[i];};
	TYPE& operator[](int i) {return data[i];};
	Vector<DIM,TYPE> operator*(double rhs) const
		Vector<DIM,TYPE> result;
		for (int i=0; i<DIM; i++)
			result[i] = data[i]*rhs;
		return result;
	Vector<DIM,TYPE> operator+(const Vector<DIM,TYPE> &rhs) const
		Vector<DIM,TYPE> result;
		for (int i=0; i<DIM; i++)
			result[i] = data[i]+rhs[i];
		return result;

	TYPE data[DIM];

////// Datastructures passed to threads

// Data for the nearest neighbor search (for threads)
template<int DIM, typename SAMPLESTYPE>
struct InterpModeData
	InterpModeData(int _i, double _alpha, const std::vector<std::vector<TsFlow> > &_resultFlow, Vector<DIM,SAMPLESTYPE>  (*_interpolateBins)(const Vector<DIM,SAMPLESTYPE> &, const Vector<DIM,SAMPLESTYPE> &, double alpha),
		std::vector<std::vector<double> > &_modes, double (*_kernel)(const Vector<DIM,SAMPLESTYPE> &, const Vector<DIM,SAMPLESTYPE> &, double),
		const std::vector<double> &_variancesA, const std::vector<double> &_variancesB,
		const std::vector<Vector<DIM,SAMPLESTYPE> > &_A, const std::vector<Vector<DIM,SAMPLESTYPE> > &_B,
		const std::vector<double> &_sumWA, const std::vector<double> &_sumWB,
		const std::vector<Vector<DIM,SAMPLESTYPE> > &_samples):
	i(_i),alpha(_alpha),resultFlow(_resultFlow), interpolateBins(_interpolateBins),  modes(_modes),
	kernel(_kernel), variancesA(_variancesA), variancesB(_variancesB), A(_A), B(_B), sumWA(_sumWA), sumWB(_sumWB), samples(_samples)

	int i; // mode number
	double alpha;
	const std::vector<std::vector<TsFlow> > &resultFlow ;
	Vector<DIM,SAMPLESTYPE>  (*interpolateBins)(const Vector<DIM,SAMPLESTYPE> &, const Vector<DIM,SAMPLESTYPE> &, double alpha);
	std::vector<std::vector<double> > &modes;
	double (*kernel)(const Vector<DIM,SAMPLESTYPE> &, const Vector<DIM,SAMPLESTYPE> &, double);
	const std::vector<double> &variancesA;
	const std::vector<double> &variancesB;
	const std::vector<Vector<DIM,SAMPLESTYPE> > &A;
	const std::vector<Vector<DIM,SAMPLESTYPE> > &B;
	const std::vector<double> &sumWA;
	const std::vector<double> &sumWB;
	const std::vector<Vector<DIM,SAMPLESTYPE> > &samples;

/////////////////// Interpolation functions /////////////

template<int DIM, typename SAMPLESTYPE>
Vector<DIM,SAMPLESTYPE> interpolateBinsLinear(const Vector<DIM,SAMPLESTYPE>  &a, const Vector<DIM,SAMPLESTYPE>  &b, double alpha)
	return a*(1.-alpha) + b*alpha;
template<int DIM, typename SAMPLESTYPE>
double sqrDistLinear(const Vector<DIM,SAMPLESTYPE> &F1, const Vector<DIM,SAMPLESTYPE> &F2)
	double d = 0;
	for (int i=0; i<DIM; i++)
		d+= (F1[i]-F2[i])*(F1[i]-F2[i]);
	return d;
template<int DIM, typename SAMPLESTYPE>
double rbfFuncLinear(const Vector<DIM,SAMPLESTYPE> &center, const Vector<DIM,SAMPLESTYPE> &eval, double r2)
	double sqrdist = sqrDistLinear<DIM,SAMPLESTYPE>(center, eval);
	double stddev = sqrt(r2);
	return exp(-sqrdist/(2.*r2))/(pow(2.5066, DIM)*stddev); // 2.5066 = sqrt(2*pi)


template<int DIM, typename SAMPLESTYPE>
DWORD WINAPI interpMode(LPVOID lpParam )
	InterpModeData<DIM,SAMPLESTYPE>* argData = (InterpModeData<DIM,SAMPLESTYPE>*) lpParam;
	 //do stuffs
	return 0;

int main()
	int W=50;

	std::vector<Vector<2,double> > samplesPos(W*W);
	std::vector<double> values1(W*W, 0.);
	std::vector<double> values2(W*W, 0.);
	std::vector<double> valuesR(W*W, 0.);

	Interpolator<2,double> interp(samplesPos, values1,  // source distribution, in R^2 
		samplesPos, values2,							// target distribution
		sqrDistLinear, rbfFuncLinear, interpolateBinsLinear, // how to represent and move the particles
		2,												// particle spread : distance to 2nd nearest neighbor at each sample point
		1);											   // 1 frequency band (standard displacement interpolation)

	int N = 50;
	for (int p=0; p<N; p++)
		double alpha = p/((double)N-1.);
		interp.interpolate(alpha, samplesPos, valuesR);
	return 0;

cc1plus: warnings being treated as errors
t.cpp: In constructor 'Interpolator<DIM, SAMPLESTYPE>::Interpolator(const __gnu_debug_def::vector<Vector<DIM, SAMPLESTYPE>, std::allocator<Vector<DIM, SAMPLESTYPE> > >&, const __gnu_debug_def::vector<double, std::allocator<double> >&, const __gnu_debug_def::vector<Vector<DIM, SAMPLESTYPE>, std::allocator<Vector<DIM, SAMPLESTYPE> > >&, const __gnu_debug_def::vector<double, std::allocator<double> >&, double (*)(const Vector<DIM, SAMPLESTYPE>&, const Vector<DIM, SAMPLESTYPE>&), double (*)(const Vector<DIM, SAMPLESTYPE>&, const Vector<DIM, SAMPLESTYPE>&, double), Vector<DIM, SAMPLESTYPE> (*)(const Vector<DIM, SAMPLESTYPE>&, const Vector<DIM, SAMPLESTYPE>&, double), double, unsigned int) [with int DIM = 2, SAMPLESTYPE = double]':
t.cpp:207:   instantiated from here
Line 71: warning: 'Interpolator<2, double>::wB' will be initialized after
Line 67: warning:   'double (* Interpolator<2, double>::sqrDist)(const Vector<2, double>&, const Vector<2, double>&)'
Line 43: warning:   when initialized here
Line 82: warning: 'Interpolator<2, double>::kNNDist' will be initialized after
Line 73: warning:   'unsigned int Interpolator<2, double>::NLevels'
Line 43: warning:   when initialized here

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