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grrussel - Python, pasted on Jan 31:
def test_function1():
    # Do some test code
    # return True on Pass, False on Fail
    return True

def test_function2_EXPECTED_FAIL():
    # Do some test (more) code
    # return True on Pass, False on Fail
    return False
def test_functionN():
    # Do some test (more) code
    # return True on Pass, False on Fail
    return False
# Build a list of test functions to run
# as test cases
tests = [ test_function1
        , test_function2_EXPECTED_FAIL
        #, ...
        , test_functionN

def main():
    failed  = []
    # Invoke each test case in turn
    for t in tests:
        if not t():
            # Can check names of test functions 
            # to detect expected fails
            if t.__name__.endswith("_EXPECTED_FAIL"):
            # Record fails for later report
            # Can stop on 1st fail if desired
            # return 1
    # Print the list of tests that failed, if any
    for f in failed:
        print "FAIL:",f
# Invoke the test runner if run as script
# if __name__ == "__main__":

# Rum main directly here for codepad.org !

FAIL: test_functionN

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