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programmingpraxis - Scheme, pasted on Dec 8:
; rock paper scissors

(define rand #f)
(define randint #f)
(let ((two31 #x80000000) (a (make-vector 56 -1)) (fptr #f))
  (define (mod-diff x y) (modulo (- x y) two31)) ; generic version
  ; (define (mod-diff x y) (logand (- x y) #x7FFFFFFF)) ; fast version
  (define (flip-cycle)
    (do ((ii 1 (+ ii 1)) (jj 32 (+ jj 1))) ((< 55 jj))
      (vector-set! a ii (mod-diff (vector-ref a ii) (vector-ref a jj))))
    (do ((ii 25 (+ ii 1)) (jj 1 (+ jj 1))) ((< 55 ii))
      (vector-set! a ii (mod-diff (vector-ref a ii) (vector-ref a jj))))
    (set! fptr 54) (vector-ref a 55))
  (define (init-rand seed)
    (let* ((seed (mod-diff seed 0)) (prev seed) (next 1))
      (vector-set! a 55 prev)
      (do ((i 21 (modulo (+ i 21) 55))) ((zero? i))
        (vector-set! a i next) (set! next (mod-diff prev next))
        (set! seed (+ (quotient seed 2) (if (odd? seed) #x40000000 0)))
        (set! next (mod-diff next seed)) (set! prev (vector-ref a i)))
      (flip-cycle) (flip-cycle) (flip-cycle) (flip-cycle) (flip-cycle)))
  (define (next-rand)
    (if (negative? (vector-ref a fptr)) (flip-cycle)
      (let ((next (vector-ref a fptr))) (set! fptr (- fptr 1)) next)))
  (define (unif-rand m)
    (let ((t (- two31 (modulo two31 m))))
      (let loop ((r (next-rand)))
        (if (<= t r) (loop (next-rand)) (modulo r m)))))
  (init-rand 19380110) ; happy birthday donald e knuth
  (set! rand (lambda seed
    (cond ((null? seed) (/ (next-rand) two31))
          ((eq? (car seed) 'get) (cons fptr (vector->list a)))
          ((eq? (car seed) 'set) (set! fptr (caadr seed))
                                 (set! a (list->vector (cdadr seed))))
          (else (/ (init-rand (modulo (numerator
                  (inexact->exact (car seed))) two31)) two31)))))
  (set! randint (lambda args
    (cond ((null? (cdr args))
            (if (< (car args) two31) (unif-rand (car args))
              (floor (* (next-rand) (car args)))))
          ((< (car args) (cadr args))
            (let ((span (- (cadr args) (car args))))
              (+ (car args)
                 (if (< span two31) (unif-rand span)
                   (floor (* (next-rand) span))))))
          (else (let ((span (- (car args) (cadr args))))
                  (- (car args)
                     (if (< span two31) (unif-rand span)
                       (floor (* (next-rand) span))))))))))

(define (rps)
  (display "Welcome to Rock Paper Scissors. ") (newline)
  (call-with-current-continuation (lambda (return)
    (let ((cscore 0) (hscore 0))
      (let play ((cthrow (list-ref '(rock paper scissors) (randint 3)))
                 (hthrow 'none))
        (do () ((member hthrow '(rock paper scissors quit)))
          (display "Enter R, P or S to make your throw, or Q to quit: ")
          (let ((h (read)))
            (case (string-ref (symbol->string h) 0)
            ((#\r #\R) (set! hthrow 'rock))
            ((#\p #\P) (set! hthrow 'paper))
            ((#\s #\S) (set! hthrow 'scissors))
            ((#\q #\Q) (display "Thanks for playing.")
        (display "  I throw ") (display cthrow)
        (cond ((and (eq? cthrow 'rock) (eq? hthrow 'paper))
                (set! hscore (+ hscore 1))
                (display ". Your paper wraps my rock. You win."))
              ((and (eq? cthrow 'paper) (eq? hthrow 'rock))
                (set! cscore (+ cscore 1))
                (display ". My paper wraps your rock. I win."))
              ((and (eq? cthrow 'paper) (eq? hthrow 'scissors))
                (set! hscore (+ hscore 1))
                (display ". Your scissors cuts my paper. You win."))
              ((and (eq? cthrow 'scissors) (eq? hthrow 'paper))
                (set! cscore (+ cscore 1))
                (display ". My scissors cuts your paper. I win."))
              ((and (eq? cthrow 'scissors) (eq? hthrow 'rock))
                (set! hscore (+ hscore 1))
                (display ". Your rock blunts my scissors. You win."))
              ((and (eq? cthrow 'rock) (eq? hthrow 'scissors))
                (set! cscore (+ cscore 1))
                (display ". My rock blunts your scissors. I win."))
              ((eq? cthrow hthrow)
                (display ". Our throws are the same. It's a tie.")))
        (newline) (display "  ")
        (cond ((< cscore hscore)
                (display "You are winning: ") (display hscore)
                (display " to ") (display cscore) (display "."))
              ((< hscore cscore)
                (display "I am winning: ") (display cscore)
                (display " to ") (display hscore) (display "."))
              (else (display "The score is tied at ")
                    (display cscore) (display ".")))
        (play (list-ref '(rock paper scissors) (randint 3)) 'none))))))


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