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Python, pasted on Mar 20:
file="test.txt" #can be changed to your file path 
total_file_lines=0 #file lines
debug=False #prints more info about what is happening if true
if ".txt" not in file: #add a .txt if the user forgot to add it

def Main(): #only runs if the file is not being imported and is the main program running (sets the number of lines in the file)
    global total_file_lines
    with open(file,"r") as f:
        for line in f:

def SearchFile(terms): #searches the file for all the terms present in the "terms" array
    with open(file,"r") as f:
        for line in f:
            for term in terms:
                if term in line:
                    if debug:
                        print("Term:"+term+" | Ln:"+str(i)+" | Entire Line:"+line)
                        return True

def SearchLine(lines,terms): #same thing as searchFile but only checks the lines within the lines array
    with open(file,"r") as f:
        for line in f: #loop through all the lines of the file
            if str(i) in str(lines): #if it is a line we want to check for coninue
                for term in terms: #loop through all our terms
                    if term in line: #check if the term we are on is in the line we are on
                        if debug: #if we are debbuging print our rsults
                            print("Term:"+term+" | Ln:"+str(i)+" | Entire Line:"+line)
                            return True

def GetLine(spliting,lines): #just prints out the specified line as a list split by what ever the user wants for example (spliting this by spaces would look like this) = ["splitting","this","by","spaces","would","look","like","this"]
    with open(file,"r") as f:
        for line in f: #loop through all the lines of the file
            if str(i) in str(lines): #if it is a line we want to check for coninue
                if debug: #if we are debbuging print our rsults
                    print("Ln:"+str(i)+" | Entire Line:"+line)
                if spliting!="entire":
                    return line.split(spliting)
                    return line

if __name__=="__main__": #calls main if it is the main programm running and not an imported module

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