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C++, pasted on Jun 17:
This line if code:


gives these errors:

emc/rs274ngc/interp_setup.cc: In constructor setup_struct::setup_struct():
emc/rs274ngc/interp_setup.cc:178:16: error: incompatible types in assignment of double to double [8]
emc/rs274ngc/interp_setup.cc:178:16: error: incompatible types in assignment of SPINDLE_MODE to SPINDLE_MODE [8]
emc/rs274ngc/interp_setup.cc:178:16: error: incompatible types in assignment of int to bool [8]
emc/rs274ngc/interp_setup.cc:178:16: error: incompatible types in assignment of int to CANON_DIRECTION [8] {aka int [8]}
make: *** [objects/emc/rs274ngc/interp_setup.o] Error 1

init_once resolves to this struct:
typedef struct setup_struct

  double AA_axis_offset;        // A-axis g92 offset
  double AA_current;            // current A-axis position
  double AA_origin_offset;      // A-axis origin offset
  double BB_axis_offset;        // B-axis g92offset
  double BB_current;            // current B-axis position
  double BB_origin_offset;      // B-axis origin offset
  double CC_axis_offset;        // C-axis g92offset
  double CC_current;            // current C-axis position
  double CC_origin_offset;      // C-axis origin offset

  double u_axis_offset, u_current, u_origin_offset;
  double v_axis_offset, v_current, v_origin_offset;
  double w_axis_offset, w_current, w_origin_offset;

  int active_g_codes[ACTIVE_G_CODES];  // array of active G codes
  int active_m_codes[ACTIVE_M_CODES];  // array of active M codes
  double active_settings[ACTIVE_SETTINGS];     // array of feed, speed, etc.
  bool arc_not_allowed;       // we just exited cutter compensation, so we error if the next move isn't straight
  double axis_offset_x;         // X-axis g92 offset
  double axis_offset_y;         // Y-axis g92 offset
  double axis_offset_z;         // Z-axis g92 offset
  // block block1;                 // parsed next block
  // stack of controlling blocks for remap execution
  block blocks[MAX_NESTED_REMAPS];
  // index into blocks, points to currently controlling block
  int remap_level;

#define CONTROLLING_BLOCK(s) ((s).blocks[(s).remap_level])
#define EXECUTING_BLOCK(s)   ((s).blocks[0])

  char blocktext[LINELEN];   // linetext downcased, white space gone
  CANON_MOTION_MODE control_mode;       // exact path or cutting mode
  int current_pocket;             // carousel slot number of current tool
  double current_x;             // current X-axis position
  double current_y;             // current Y-axis position
  double current_z;             // current Z-axis position
  double cutter_comp_radius;    // current cutter compensation radius
  int cutter_comp_orientation;  // current cutter compensation tool orientation
  int cutter_comp_side;         // current cutter compensation side
  double cycle_cc;              // cc-value (normal) for canned cycles
  double cycle_i;               // i-value for canned cycles
  double cycle_j;               // j-value for canned cycles
  double cycle_k;               // k-value for canned cycles
  int cycle_l;                  // l-value for canned cycles
  double cycle_p;               // p-value (dwell) for canned cycles
  double cycle_q;               // q-value for canned cycles
  double cycle_r;               // r-value for canned cycles
  double cycle_il;              // "initial level" height when switching from non-cycle into cycle, for g98 retract
  int cycle_il_flag;            // il is currently valid because we're in a series of cycles
  DISTANCE_MODE distance_mode;  // absolute or incremental
  DISTANCE_MODE ijk_distance_mode;  // absolute or incremental for IJK in arcs
  int feed_mode;                // G_93 (inverse time) or G_94 units/min
  bool feed_override;         // whether feed override is enabled
  double feed_rate;             // feed rate in current units/min
  char filename[PATH_MAX];      // name of currently open NC code file
  FILE *file_pointer;           // file pointer for open NC code file
  bool flood;                 // whether flood coolant is on
  CANON_UNITS length_units;     // millimeters or inches
  double center_arc_radius_tolerance_inch; // modify with ini setting
  double center_arc_radius_tolerance_mm;   // modify with ini setting
  int line_length;              // length of line last read
  char linetext[LINELEN];       // text of most recent line read
  bool mist;                  // whether mist coolant is on
  int motion_mode;              // active G-code for motion
  int origin_index;             // active origin (1=G54 to 9=G59.3)
  double origin_offset_x;       // g5x offset x
  double origin_offset_y;       // g5x offset y
  double origin_offset_z;       // g5x offset z
  double rotation_xy;         // rotation of coordinate system around Z, in degrees
  double parameters[RS274NGC_MAX_PARAMETERS];   // system parameters
  int parameter_occurrence;     // parameter buffer index
  int parameter_numbers[MAX_NAMED_PARAMETERS];    // parameter number buffer
  double parameter_values[MAX_NAMED_PARAMETERS];  // parameter value buffer
  int named_parameter_occurrence;
  const char *named_parameters[MAX_NAMED_PARAMETERS];
  double named_parameter_values[MAX_NAMED_PARAMETERS];
  bool percent_flag;          // true means first line was percent sign
  CANON_PLANE plane;            // active plane, XY-, YZ-, or XZ-plane
  bool probe_flag;            // flag indicating probing done
  bool input_flag;            // flag indicating waiting for input done
  bool toolchange_flag;       // flag indicating we just had a tool change
  int input_index;		// channel queried
  bool input_digital;		// input queried was digital (false=analog)
  bool cutter_comp_firstmove; // this is the first comp move
  double program_x;             // program x, used when cutter comp on
  double program_y;             // program y, used when cutter comp on
  double program_z;             // program y, used when cutter comp on
  RETRACT_MODE retract_mode;    // for cycles, old_z or r_plane
  int random_toolchanger;       // tool changer swaps pockets, and pocket 0 is the spindle instead of "no tool"
  int selected_pocket;          // tool slot selected but not active
    int selected_tool;          // start switchover to pocket-agnostic interp
  int sequence_number;          // sequence number of line last read
  int num_spindles;				// number of spindles available
  int active_spindle;			// the spindle currently used for CSS, FPR etc.
  double speed[EMCMOT_MAX_SPINDLES];// array of spindle speeds
  CANON_SPEED_FEED_MODE speed_feed_mode;        // independent or synched
  int spindle_fpr;				// the spindle that FPR is synched to
  bool speed_override[EMCMOT_MAX_SPINDLES];        // whether speed override is enabled
  CANON_DIRECTION spindle_turning[EMCMOT_MAX_SPINDLES];  // direction spindle is turning
  char stack[STACK_LEN][STACK_ENTRY_LEN];      // stack of calls for error reporting
  int stack_index;              // index into the stack
  EmcPose tool_offset;          // tool length offset
  int pockets_max;                 // number of pockets in carousel (including pocket 0, the spindle)
  CANON_TOOL_TABLE tool_table[CANON_POCKETS_MAX];      // index is pocket number
  double traverse_rate;         // rate for traverse motions
  double orient_offset;         // added to M19 R word, from [RS274NGC]ORIENT_OFFSET

  /* stuff for subroutines and control structures */
  int defining_sub;                  // true if in a subroutine defn
  const char *sub_name;                    // name of sub we are defining (free this)
  int doing_continue;                // true if doing a continue
  int doing_break;                   // true if doing a break
  int executed_if;                   // true if executed in current if
  const char *skipping_o;                  // o_name we are skipping for (or zero)
  const char *skipping_to_sub;             // o_name of sub skipping to (or zero)
  int skipping_start;                // start of skipping (sequence)
  double test_value;                 // value for "if", "while", "elseif"
  double return_value;               // optional return value for "return", "endsub"
  int value_returned;                // the last NGC procedure did/did not return a value
  int call_level;                    // current subroutine level
  context sub_context[INTERP_SUB_ROUTINE_LEVELS];
  int call_state;                  //  enum call_states - inidicate Py handler reexecution
  offset_map_type offset_map;      // store label x name, file, line

  bool adaptive_feed;              // adaptive feed is enabled
  bool feed_hold;                  // feed hold is enabled
  int loggingLevel;                  // 0 means logging is off
  int debugmask;                     // from ini  EMC/DEBUG
  char log_file[PATH_MAX];
  char program_prefix[PATH_MAX];            // program directory
  const char *subroutines[MAX_SUB_DIRS];  // subroutines directories
  int use_lazy_close;                // wait until next open before closing
                                     // the input file
  int lazy_closing;                  // close has been called
  char wizard_root[PATH_MAX];
  int tool_change_at_g30;
  int tool_change_quill_up;
  int tool_change_with_spindle_on;
  int a_axis_wrapped;
  int b_axis_wrapped;
  int c_axis_wrapped;

  int a_indexer_jnum;
  int b_indexer_jnum;
  int c_indexer_jnum;

  bool lathe_diameter_mode;       //Lathe diameter mode (g07/G08)
  bool mdi_interrupt;
  int feature_set; 

  int disable_g92_persistence;

#define FEATURE(x) (_setup.feature_set & FEATURE_ ## x)
#define FEATURE_RETAIN_G43           0x00000001
#define FEATURE_OWORD_N_ARGS         0x00000002
#define FEATURE_INI_VARS             0x00000004
#define FEATURE_HAL_PIN_VARS         0x00000008
    // do not lowercase named params inside comments - for #<_hal[PinName]>
#define FEATURE_NO_DOWNCASE_OWORD    0x00000010
#define FEATURE_OWORD_WARNONLY       0x00000020

    boost::python::object *pythis;  // boost::cref to 'this'
    const char *on_abort_command;
    int_remap_map  g_remapped,m_remapped;
    remap_map remaps;
#define INIT_FUNC  "__init__"
#define DELETE_FUNC  "__delete__"

    // task calls upon interp.init() repeatedly
    // protect init() operations which are not idempotent
    int init_once;  
} setup;

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