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C++, pasted on Apr 7:
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <ctime>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;

int user_play(int &pile);  
int computer_play(int &pile);
int power_of_2(int n);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    string ans, mode;
    srand(time(NULL)); //generates a random number from 10 to 100//
            cout<<"Welcome to the Game of Nim!!"<<endl<<endl   //welcome message and displays rule for user//
                <<"Rules: The number of stones you take away must be between 1 and"<<endl
                <<"half of the total pile inclusive. "<<endl
                <<"The one who takes the last marble loses. "<<endl<<endl;
            int pile = rand()%91+10;
            cout<<"The game starts out with a size of "<<pile<<" stones.\n";
            int player1 = rand()%2;                        //generates a random number between 0 and 1 to see who goes first//
            if (player1 == 0)                              //if 0 then comp goes first, 1 then you go first//
               cout<<"The computer gets to go first. \n";
               cout<<"You go first. \n";
            cout<<"Choose the mode for the computer, naive or smart? ";   //asks user to input computer's difficulty level//
            getline(cin, mode);
            int nim = pile;
            while (nim !=1)                                   /*game stops when the pile size of the marble is 1, in which case
                                                                   the last one forced to loot the marble loses*/
                  if (player1 ==1)
                     player1 = player1==0 ? 1 : 0; 
                     player1 = player1==0 ? 1 : 0;  
            if (player1 ==1)
               cout<<"\nYou are forced to take the last marble, \nTHE COMPUTER WINS! Better luck next time!\n"; //game result and congrats player if he wins//
               cout<<"\nThe computer is forced to take the last marble, YOU WIN!\n";
            cout<<"\nDo you want to play again? ";  //asks the player if he wishes to play the game again//
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

int user_play(int &pile) /* Obtain the remaining marble count as input (use a reference parameter!)
                         ask the player the number of stones he would like to remove
                         validate the response, and repeat the request until a valid input is entered
                         modify the remaining marble count parameter.*/
    int stones;
    int tries = 10000000;
    while(tries !=0)
                cout<<"Enter the number of marble(s) you wish to take away: ";
                if (1 <= stones && stones <= pile/2)
                      pile = pile - stones;
                      cout<<"There is/are "<<pile<<" marble(s) left. "<<endl;
                      tries = 0;
                      cout<<"Error! Please enter a number between 1 and "<<pile/2<<" inclusive. \n";
                      tries --;

int computer_play(int &pile) /* This function should obtain the remaining marble count and the play mode (naive/smart) as input
                             calculate and display the number of stones that the computer removes (according to the play mode)
                             in smart play mode only: obtain successive values of (2^n - 1) as needed
                             modify the remaining marble count parameter. */
    string mode;
    if((mode, "naive")||(mode,"n"))
              int stones = rand()%(pile/2)+1;
              pile = pile - stones;
              cout<<"The computer took away " <<stones<<" nim marble(s).\n"
                  <<"There is/are "<<pile<<" nim marble(s) left. \n\n";
              int stones = power_of_2(pile);
              pile = pile - stones;
              cout<<"The computer took away " <<stones<<" nim marble(s).\n"
                  <<"There is/are "<<pile<<" nim marble(s) left. \n"<<endl;


int power_of_2(int x) /* this helper function should
                      given an integer n, return the value (2^n - 1)
                      for use by the function computer_play, in smart mode only. */

	  return 1;
	int i = -1;
	while((int)pow(2.0,i++) < x);
	  return ((int)pow(2.0, i) - 1);

cc1plus: warnings being treated as errors
In function 'int computer_play(int&)':
Line 130: warning: control reaches end of non-void function
In function 'int user_play(int&)':
Line 104: warning: control reaches end of non-void function

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