\begin{longtable}{l l l p{250px}} \caption[Complete Log]{Complete Subversion Log} \\ \textbf{Revision} & \textbf{Author} &\textbf{Date} & \textbf{Description}\\ \hline \smallskip \endfirsthead \textbf{Revision} & \textbf{Author} &\textbf{Date} & \textbf{Description}\\ \hline \smallskip \endhead 80 & B & 11-02-2010 & Various fixes, rationalised debug oputput \\ 81 & A & 11-02-2010 & fix (hopefully) the turn angle logic at junctions, also actions should no longer rely on the robot being stopped; the linefollow response no longer stops the robot when it ends, instead the junction responses stop the robot (if necessary) when they start \\ 82 & A & 11-02-2010 & print meaningful names for junctions \\ 83 & B & 11-02-2010 & Added pickup cross junction actions and checks to prevent duplicate calls of timed reponses on drop off and pickup \\ 84 & A & 11-02-2010 & debug() should now work with negative debug levels, increase the minimum motor power used to 600, increase the power used when turning to 1000, use the more recent calibration factors as defaults \\ 85 & A & 11-02-2010 & reduce turning power a little, make sure strain gauge readings don't fall through the gaps in the ranges for steel,brass,etc \\ 86 & A & 11-02-2010 & oops, use \textless= not =\textless \\ 87 & B & 11-02-2010 & Using mean for strain gauge average and active bracking test \\ 88 & B & 11-02-2010 & More sensible reversed motor speed time on stop \\ 89 & B & 11-02-2010 & Fixed write beyond end of sg average array \\ 90 & B & 11-02-2010 & Waiting a bit after stopping before taking strain gauge readings \\ 91 & B & 11-02-2010 & Minor fixes \\ 92 & B & 11-02-2010 & Removed strain gauge detection procedures upon dropping off \\ 93 & A & 11-02-2010 & hopefully improve the cross type turning action (again...) \\ 94 & A & 11-02-2010 & add some of the states that find\_position may end up in \\ 95 & B & 11-02-2010 & Updated strain gauge average calculation to take as many readings as possible within specified time period and return mean (and debug out variance) \\ 96 & A & 11-02-2010 & add client and server programs (not connected to the robot yet) \\ 97 & A & 12-02-2010 & lots of fixes from testing, and added logfiles to repository. See friday.0.log for details of this morning \\ 98 & B & 12-02-2010 & Added deconstructor to CRobot class to close grabber and set LEDs to default on close \\ 99 & A & 12-02-2010 & reduce active breaking again, add cross-junction turn straight pickup action for B-\textgreater P pickup \\ 100 & B & 12-02-2010 & Added self-calibration of motors (forwards direction only) when line following \\ 101 & B & 12-02-2010 & Only self-calibrate on straight lines and print out calibration factors on deconstruct \\ 102 & B & 12-02-2010 & Use internal time averaged strain gauge reading in analogue sensor test \\ 103 & B & 12-02-2010 & Fixing self calibration so adjustment makes better not worse... \\ 104 & A & 12-02-2010 & add sensible defaults for anomalous strain gauge readings \\ 105 & A & 12-02-2010 & add actions to turn at junctions and then reverse - aiming to improve pickup/dropoff precision \\ 106 & A & 12-02-2010 & add actions to turn at junctions and then reverse - aiming to improve pickup/dropoff precision \\ 107 & A & 12-02-2010 & oops, correct message for last commit: add finished\_park action for when we complete all the tasks wonderfully smoothly and without anything going wrong \\ 108 & B & 12-02-2010 & Added reverse on pickup / dropoff and finish states \\ 109 & A & 12-02-2010 & double check the new init.cc \\ 110 & B & 12-02-2010 & Added a few cases to robot\_server \\ 111 & A & 12-02-2010 & :D \\ 112 & B & 12-02-2010 & Updated robot\_client to integrate wiimote connection and issue packets based on events \\ 113 & A & 12-02-2010 & update calibration factors, fix a few bugs, and overpower the *reversing* motor when turning on the spot \\ 114 & A & 12-02-2010 & undo the reversing-before-drop-off changes \\ 115 & A & 12-02-2010 & various fixes: add finish state again (following revert), and correctly open grabber on route A->P, reduce the effect of continuous recalibration, prevent the timed response for dropoff being complete from being clobbered by the retry timed response \\ 116 & A & 12-02-2010 & define remaining states that position finding can end in (except one), lots of spelling errors / cleanups \\ 117 & A & 12-02-2010 & various fixes, including turning right 270 degrees to pickup, rather than turning left \\ 118 & A & 12-02-2010 & take the number of lines seen into consideration when turning \\ 119 & A & 12-02-2010 & neaten up actions.cc \\ 120 & A & 12-02-2010 & neaten up event\_funcs.cc \\ 121 & A & 12-02-2010 & neaten up debug.h \\ 122 & B & 12-02-2010 & Added comment header to all files and changed readSensor to getSensorValue \\ 123 & A & 12-02-2010 & more tidy up, actually commit log files (missed by commit this morning...) \\ 124 & B & 12-02-2010 & Changing C to correct A \\ 125 & B & 12-02-2010 & Changing C to correct A (in Tests) \\ 126 & B & 13-02-2010 & Recalibrated for test day \\ 127 & A & 13-02-2010 & update rotation calibration, various cross junction turning bugfixes \\ 128 & A & 13-02-2010 & add watchdog timer, cross type junction alignment bugfix \\ \end{longtable}