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Plain Text, pasted on Aug 29:
public with sharing class CashVeriController 
    public String barcodeKey {get;set;}
    public Boolean saveCashRecFlag {get;set;}
    public integer VFPAmount {get;set;}
    public string VFPAmount1 {get;set;}    
    Envelope__c envelopeRec;

    public CashVeriController() 
        saveCashRecFlag = false;
    public void tempshow()
        saveCashRecFlag = true;
    public PageReference findEnvelope()
    system.debug('code runs atleast');
        if(barcodeKey != null && barcodeKey.trim().length()>0)
            envelopeRec = [SELECT Id,Barcode_ID__c,Barcode__c,Envelope_Number__c,Name,Security_Tag__c FROM Envelope__c where Name =: barcodeKey];
            if(envelopeRec != null)
                saveCashRecFlag = true;
                ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR,'No Envelope record found, Please enter correct Barcode ID.'));
            ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR,'Please enter Barcode ID of Envelope.'));
        return null;
    //system.debug('1 amount is : '+VFPAmount);
	//this is for number converted via JS
    public PageReference MakeTransaction()
        system.debug('2 amount is : '+VFPAmount);
        Transaction__c newTransaction = new Transaction__c (Verifier_1__c=UserInfo.getUserId(), Envelope__c=envelopeRec.Id, Verifier_1_Amount__c = VFPAmount);
        //newTransaction.Verifier_1_Amount__c = Double.valueOf(VFPAmount);
        system.debug('3 amount is : '+VFPAmount);
        system.debug('4 amount is : '+integer.valueOf(VFPAmount));
        insert newTransaction;
        return null;
	//this is for string
    public PageReference MakeTransaction1()
        system.debug('2 amount is : '+VFPAmount1);
        Transaction__c newTransaction = new Transaction__c (Verifier_1__c=UserInfo.getUserId(), Envelope__c=envelopeRec.Id, Verifier_1_Amount__c = integer.valueOf(VFPAmount1));
        system.debug('3 amount is : '+VFPAmount1);
        system.debug('4 amount is : '+integer.valueOf(VFPAmount1));
        insert newTransaction;
        return null;
    //this is for passing value directly without actionfunction
    public PageReference MakeTransaction2(string aaaa)
        system.debug('2 amount is : '+aaaa);
        Transaction__c newTransaction = new Transaction__c (Verifier_1__c=UserInfo.getUserId(), Envelope__c=envelopeRec.Id, Verifier_1_Amount__c = integer.valueOf(aaaa));
        //newTransaction.Verifier_1_Amount__c = Double.valueOf(aaaa);
        system.debug('3 amount is : '+aaaa);
        system.debug('4 amount is : '+integer.valueOf(aaaa));
        insert newTransaction;
        return null;
    //someone suggested this.
	public void setVFPAmount1(String n) 
        VFPAmount1= n;

    public String getsetVFPAmount1() 
        return setVFPAmount1;

    private String setVFPAmount1 = '0';

    public void setVFPAmount(String n) 
        setVFPAmount = n;

    public String getsetVFPAmount() 
        return setVFPAmount;

    private String setVFPAmount = '0';


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