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darbotron - C++, pasted on Oct 10:
// altTypeId.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include <iostream>

// typedef for unsigned int as altTypeId
typedef unsigned int altTypeId;

// Base class for TTypeIDGen.
// VERY simple un constructable static class; Basically just a wrapper to a 
// static variable contained in a function. Whilst this seems weird, doing it 
// this way has adavatages; e.g. prevents you having to do all the nonsense 
// with initialising a static member variable in a .cpp file.
class CAltTypeIdGen_Base
		ALTTYPEID_INVALID = 0xFFffFFff		// supplied so code can initialise with this like NULL for pointers

	// generates a type ID
	// you would probably want to put this in a .cpp in case you want to use it in a library
	static altTypeId GenerateAltTypeId()
		static altTypeId s_uNextClassID = 0;
		return s_uNextClassID++;

	// only constructible from derived types

// type specialised templated TypeID class
// Type specific static class specialization of CRTTIBase.
// It's called via the GetTypeID macro (below) and essentially wraps a 
// statically allocated instance of TypeID Only one TypeID can exist for 
// each type, so it functions exactly like a C++ typeID.
// the only caveat to this is that the actual value of the ID will depend 
// on the execution order of templated calls to GetTypeID.
template< typename T >
class TAltTypeIdGen : public CAltTypeIdGen_Base
	// this generates a typeID for each class that instantiates the template
	static altTypeId GetAltTypeId()
		static altTypeId s_uClassId = GenerateAltTypeId();
		return s_uClassId;

	// no instance of this class can be created.

// define to make CAltTypeIdGen_Base::ALTTYPEID_INVALID less visually traumatic

// macro for getting hold of a type's altTypeId
#define GetAltTypeIdOf( TYPENAME )		( TAltTypeIdGen< TYPENAME >::GetAltTypeId() )

// template function that resolves to the correct form of 
// CReflectionData< T >::GetTypeID() based on the input type
template< typename T >
altTypeId GetAltTypeIdOfInstance( T instance )
	return TAltTypeIdGen< T >::GetAltTypeId();

// macro to remove drugery / make code nicer to look at
	std::cout<<"Is "<<#INSTANCE<<" a "<<#TYPE<<"? "<<((GetAltTypeIdOf(TYPE)==GetAltTypeIdOfInstance(INSTANCE))?"YES\n":"NO\n");\

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	// test the type id
	char	chTest	= 0;
	int		iTest	= 0;
	float	fTest	= 0.0f;

	// use printing to prove the typeid works
	PRINT_TYPE_TEST( chTest, char ); 
	PRINT_TYPE_TEST( chTest, int ); 

	PRINT_TYPE_TEST( iTest, int ); 
	PRINT_TYPE_TEST( iTest, float ); 

	PRINT_TYPE_TEST( fTest, float ); 
	PRINT_TYPE_TEST( fTest, int ); 

	return 0;

Is chTest a char? YES
Is chTest a int? NO
Is iTest a int? YES
Is iTest a float? NO
Is fTest a float? YES
Is fTest a int? NO

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