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CecilSunkure - C, pasted on Nov 29:
#include <windows.h> /* for HANDLE type, and console functions */
#include <stdio.h> /* standard input/output */
#include <stdlib.h> /* included for rand */
#include <time.h> /* For randomization seed */
#include "redRectangle.h" /* our image file */

#define WIDTH 70
#define HEIGHT 35
#define YES 1
#define NO 0
#define VK_C 0x43 /* virtual key C definition */

HANDLE wHnd; /* write (output) handle */
HANDLE rHnd; /* read (input handle */

/* Ensure that you do not index outside of the console sceen buffer! */
boundCheck(int *x, int *y)
  if (*x < 0)
    *x = 0;
  if (*x > WIDTH - 3)
    *x = WIDTH - 3;
  if (*y < 0)
    *y = 0;
  if (*y > HEIGHT - 3)
    *y = HEIGHT - 3;

/* Writes an image to the buffer */
void writeImageToBuffer(CHAR_INFO buffer[], int chars[], int colors[], int imageWidth, int imageHeight, int xoffset, int yoffset)
  int x, y;
  /* Keep xoffset and yoffset within the screen's boundaries */
  boundCheck(&xoffset, &yoffset);
  for (y = 0; y < imageHeight; ++y)
    for (x = 0; x < imageWidth; ++x)
      buffer[(x + xoffset) + WIDTH * (y + yoffset)].Char.AsciiChar = chars[x + imageWidth * y];
      buffer[(x + xoffset) + WIDTH * (y + yoffset)].Attributes = colors[x + imageWidth * y];

writeCircleToBuffer(CHAR_INFO buf[], int xoffset, int yoffset)
  /* Keep xoffset and yoffset within the screen's boundaries */
  boundCheck(&xoffset, &yoffset);
  buf[xoffset + (WIDTH * yoffset)].Char.AsciiChar = (unsigned char)7;
  buf[xoffset + (WIDTH * yoffset)].Attributes = BACKGROUND_BLUE |
                                                BACKGROUND_RED |
                                                BACKGROUND_GREEN |
                                                BACKGROUND_INTENSITY |

/* Read console input buffer and return malloc'd INPUT_RECORD array */
DWORD getInput(INPUT_RECORD **eventBuffer)
  /* Variable for holding the number of current events, and a point to it */
  DWORD numEvents = 0;

  /* Variable for holding how many events were read */
  DWORD numEventsRead = 0;

  /* Put the number of console input events into numEvents */
  GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents(rHnd, &numEvents);

  if (numEvents) /* if there's an event */
    /* Allocate the correct amount of memory to store the events */
    *eventBuffer = malloc(sizeof(INPUT_RECORD) * numEvents);
    /* Place the stored events into the eventBuffer pointer */
    ReadConsoleInput(rHnd, *eventBuffer, numEvents, &numEventsRead);

  /* Return the amount of events successfully read */
  return numEventsRead;

int main(void)
  int j, offsetx, offsety;
  int write = NO;
  /* Used for indexing the eventBuffer */
  DWORD i;

  /* Window size coordinates, be sure to start index at zero! */
  SMALL_RECT windowSize = {0, 0, WIDTH - 1, HEIGHT - 1};

  /* A COORD struct for specificying the console's screen buffer dimensions */
  COORD bufferSize = {WIDTH, HEIGHT};

  /* Setting up different variables for passing to WriteConsoleOutput */
  COORD characterBufferSize = {WIDTH, HEIGHT};
  COORD characterPosition = {0, 0};
  SMALL_RECT consoleWriteArea = {0, 0, WIDTH - 1, HEIGHT - 1};

  /* A CHAR_INFO structure containing data about an array of characters + colors */
  CHAR_INFO consoleBuffer[WIDTH * HEIGHT];
  /* A pointer to type INPUT_RECORD, used to point to a buffer of INPUT_RECORD structs */
  INPUT_RECORD *eventBuffer;
  /* Variable for holding how many events were read */
  DWORD numEventsRead = 0;

  /* initialize handles */
  wHnd = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
  rHnd = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);

  /* Set the console's title */
  SetConsoleTitle("Our shiny new title!");

  /* Set the window size */
  SetConsoleWindowInfo(wHnd, TRUE, &windowSize);

  /* Set the screen's buffer size */
  SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(wHnd, bufferSize);
  for (j = 0; j < (WIDTH * HEIGHT); j++)
        consoleBuffer[j].Char.AsciiChar = ' ';
        consoleBuffer[j].Attributes = 
                                      BACKGROUND_BLUE |
                                      BACKGROUND_GREEN |
                                      BACKGROUND_RED |
  write = YES;

    /* Get the input and number of events successfully obtained */
    numEventsRead = getInput(&eventBuffer);
    /* if more than 0 are read */
    if (numEventsRead)
      /* loop through the amount of records */
      for (i = 0; i < numEventsRead; i++)
        /* check each event */
        switch (eventBuffer[i].EventType)
          /* if type of event is a KEY_EVENT */
          case KEY_EVENT:
            switch (eventBuffer[i].Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode)
              /* if escape key is pressed*/
              case VK_ESCAPE:
                return 0;
              /* If C key is pressed, define at top of file */
              case VK_C:
                /* If keypress was a keydown event, not keyup */
                if (eventBuffer[i].Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown == 0)
                  for (j = 0; j < WIDTH * HEIGHT; j++)
                        consoleBuffer[j].Char.AsciiChar = ' ';
                        consoleBuffer[j].Attributes = 
                            BACKGROUND_BLUE |
                            BACKGROUND_GREEN |
                            BACKGROUND_RED |
                /* Update screen this loop pass */
                write = YES;
          case MOUSE_EVENT:
            offsetx = eventBuffer[i].Event.MouseEvent.dwMousePosition.X;
            offsety = eventBuffer[i].Event.MouseEvent.dwMousePosition.Y;
            if (eventBuffer[i].Event.MouseEvent.dwButtonState == FROM_LEFT_1ST_BUTTON_PRESSED)
              writeImageToBuffer(consoleBuffer, REDRECTANGLE.chars, REDRECTANGLE.colors, REDRECTANGLE.width, REDRECTANGLE.height, offsetx - 1, offsety - 1);
              /* Update screen this loop pass */
              write = YES;
            else if (eventBuffer[i].Event.MouseEvent.dwButtonState == RIGHTMOST_BUTTON_PRESSED)
              writeCircleToBuffer(consoleBuffer, offsetx, offsety);
              /* Update screen this loop pass */
              write = YES;
      /* Delete your used INPUT_RECORD array */
    /* If write is 1, meaning the screen needs to be updated */
    if (write)
      /* Write our character buffer (a single dimensional array) to the console buffer */
      WriteConsoleOutputA(wHnd, consoleBuffer, characterBufferSize, characterPosition, &consoleWriteArea);
      write = NO;

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