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Plain Text, pasted on Dec 4:
echo "###################################"
echo "# auto_exploiter                  #"
echo "# by: Mr_Nakup3nda                #"
echo "# contact:                        #"
echo "# null-byte.wonderhowto.com       #"
echo "#                                 #"
echo "###################################"
#this secction bring the menu of our tool
echo "------------------------------------------------------------"
echo "Choose the type of hack                                    |"  
echo "[1] Reconnaissance                                         |"
echo "[2] Website_hacking                                        |"
echo "[3] Wifi_hacking                                           |"
echo "[4] Email_hacking                                          |"
echo "[5] Server_hacking                                         |"                                            
echo "------------------------------------------------------------"
read type

if [ $type -eq 1 ]; then
    echo "---------------------"
    echo "input the target ip"
    echo "---------------------"
    read recon_ip

recon_1="whatweb $recon_ip"
recon_2="dmitry -i -e $recon_ip"
recon_3="nmap -sT -Pn  $recon_ip -D,,"

      echo "Starting reconnaissance...."
      echo "----------------------------------"
      echo "----------------------------------"
      echo "Done with the recon, happy hacking"

    if [ "$type" -eq 2 ] ; then
        echo "---------------------"
        echo "input the target ip"
        echo "---------------------"
        read web_ip
        echo "---------------------------"

web_hack_1="nikto -h $web_ip"
web_hack_2="golismero scan $web_ip"

        echo "hacking the website..."
        echo "you can enter ctrl+c if you want to skip this scan"
        echo "----------------------------------"
        echo "----------------------------------"
        echo "Done hacking the website, happy hacking"


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