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Plain Text, pasted on Jul 21:
" This is a modified example gvimrc

" only file head (filename without path), help flag, readonly flag
" XXX: Display "Unnamed" for empty buffer
"set titlestring=%t\ %h%r
"set titlestring=%t\ %h%r\ -\ %{v:servername}

function! MyMailMode()
  set fullscreen

command MailMode :call MyMailMode()

function! ToggleFullscreen()
  if &fullscreen
    colorscheme macvim
    set bg=light
    set guioptions+=r
    set guioptions+=e
    set nofullscreen
    colorscheme vividchalk
    set bg=dark
    set guioptions-=r
    set guioptions-=e
    set fullscreen

command FF :call ToggleFullscreen()

set lines=50

" MacVim has sane defaults for those:

if !has("gui_macvim")
" set guifont=Monaco:h10
" set guifont=Panic\ Sans:h11.00
  colorscheme osxaqua

set guioptions-=L
set guioptions-=T

" make window twice as wide for diffs
func! DiffSetup()
  let &columns = 2* &columns + 1
  wincmd =

if &diff
  autocmd VimEnter * call DiffSetup()
  normal gg

"set ch=2		" Make command line two lines high

set mousehide		" Hide the mouse when typing text

" Only do this for Vim version 5.0 and later.
if version >= 500

  " I like highlighting strings inside C comments
  let c_comment_strings=1

  " Switch on syntax highlighting if it wasn't on yet.
  if !exists("syntax_on")
    syntax on

  " Switch on search pattern highlighting.
  set hlsearch


" let focuslosttransparency=83
" if version>=602 && has("macunix") && has("gui_running")
"     try
"         let stored_transp=&transparency
"         au! FocusLost * let stored_transp=&transparency | let &transparency=focuslosttransparency
"         au! FocusGained * let &transparency=stored_transp
"     endtry
" endif

" Project plugin
let g:proj_window_width = 35

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