# .Xdefaults # There doesn't seem to be a systemwide location for this, only per-user, # so it must go in the home directories. # Last updated 2009-02-26 # # This file associates colors with filetype groups (i.e. media, compressed, # executables, etc). Which extensions fit into which groups are defined # in /etc/DIR_COLORS. # # This file can also create other defaults for X, but I have not found the # need as I do them in xorg.conf and xinitrc.fluxbox. # # For standard defaults for various apps see: # /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults # # The following defaults change the behavior of clients using the # X libraries: #*background: grey90 #*background: black *background: #12243F *foreground: white #*foreground: grey90 # This makes underlined and bold words have special colors, it primarily creates # colored man pages aterm*colorUL: wheat3 aterm*colorBD: steelblue # Font #XTerm*faceName: Liberation Mono #XTerm*faceSize: 13 # Black #XTerm*color0: #000000 # Dark Red #XTerm*color1: #a80000 # Dark Green #XTerm*color2: #00a800 # Brown #XTerm*color3: #a8a800 # Dark Blue #XTerm*color4: #0000a8 # Purple #XTerm*color5: #a800a8 # Slate #XTerm*color6: #00a8a8 # Light Grey #XTerm*color7: #a8a8a8 ### Dark Grey #XTerm*color8: #000054 ### Red - broken links, compressed files #XTerm*color9: #ff0054 # maroon #XTerm*color9: #800000 # crimson #XTerm*color9: #dc143c # indianred #XTerm*color9: #cd5c5c # tomato XTerm*color9: #ff6347 ### Green - executables #XTerm*color10: #00ff54 # green #XTerm*color10: #008000 # forestgreen XTerm*color10: #228b22 # seagreen #XTerm*color10: #2e8b57 # mediumseagreen #XTerm*color10: #3cb371 ### Yellow- char and block devices XTerm*color11: #ffff54 ### Blue - directories #XTerm*color12: #0000ff # darkblue #XTerm*color12: #00008b # mediumblue #XTerm*color12: #0000cd # darkslateblue #XTerm*color12: #483d8b # slateblue XTerm*color12: #6a5acd # royalblue #XTerm*color12: #4169e1 ### Magenta - pipes and sockets, media files #XTerm*color13: #ff00ff # purple #XTerm*color13: #800080 # darkorchid #XTerm*color13: #9932cc # mediumorchid #XTerm*color13: #ba55d3 # orchid XTerm*color13: #da70d6 ### Cyan - links #XTerm*color14: #00ffff # steelblue #XTerm*color14: #4682b4 # skyblue XTerm*color14: #87ceeb ### White - files XTerm*color15: #ffffff