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iamyeasin - C++, pasted on May 30:
#define sf scanf
#define pf printf

using namespace std;

int main()
//    freopen("input.txt","rt",stdin);
//    freopen("output.txt","wt",stdout);

    // H = Height of the wall
    // U = Snail climb during day
    // D = Slides down at night
    // F = Fatigue factor

    double h,u,d,f,has,in,hac,dc;
    long day=0;

    while(sf("%lf %lf %lf %lf",&h,&u,&d,&f), (h || u || d || f))
        in = 0.0;
        dc = u;
        hac = dc+in;
        has = hac - d;
        day = 1;
        double fat = (f*u)/100.00;
//        cout << fat << endl;

//            cout << day << " " << in << " " << dc << " " << hac << " " << has << " " << endl;

            if(hac > h)
                pf("success on day %ld\n",day);
            else if(dc < 0.00)
                dc = 0.0;
            else if(has < 0.00)
                pf("failure on day %ld\n",day);
                in = has;
                dc = dc-fat;
                hac = in + dc;
                has = hac - d;



    return 0;

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