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Plain Text, pasted on Oct 24:

while ((1));
    #capture disk IO for 1 second
    #this has to go first because it actually takes time
    DISKIO=`iostat -m -h -y 1 1 | grep -Ev "(OVERMIND)|(^$)"`;
    #NETIO=`ifstat 0.1 1 | grep -Ev "(enp3s0)|(^$)"`;

    #flush the screen
    #do whatever gay autistic commands you want
    echo ""
    echo -e "$ARCHEY"
    echo -e "\e[92mCPU\e[0m";
    lscpu | grep -E "^CPU\(s\):"
    lscpu | grep MHz
    echo ""
    echo "$DISKIO" | head -2
    echo ""
    sensors | grep high
    echo ""
    echo -e "\e[92mMemory\e[0m"
    free -ht
    echo ""
    echo -e "\e[92mDisk Usage:\e[0m"
    df -h / /mnt/MEDIA_DRIVE /mnt/PRIV /mnt/IO
    echo ""
    echo -e "\e[92mDisk I/O:\e[0m"
    echo "$DISKIO" | tail -9 #output that disk IO we captured earlier. If you have n drives, tails should be (2*n)+1.
    echo ""
    echo -e "\e[92mNetwork\e[0m";
    ifconfig enp3s0 | grep "inet addr"
    #echo "$NETIO"
    echo ""
    #add whatever extra delay you want. 
    sleep 0;

#Other notes:
#the lines which are marked echo -e are the titles. They're green, because green looks good.
#required components to use this script as-is: archey, sysstat, lscpu.
#use echo "" to insert line breaks
#to make everything look nicer, consider deleting a line off the end of your ASCII art in archey.
#the network stuff is commented out because it also needs to buffer like iostat and I find that annoying.

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