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C, pasted on Aug 4:
#ifndef LOJBAN_H
#define LOJBAN_H 1

#ifdef __cplusplus
# define sirgazgau_tai(x) alignas(x)
# define zmiku             auto
# define kavbu             catch
# define klesi             class
# define stodi_ctaipe      const_cast       // Couldn't find "cast", went with "type"
# define stodi_meknau      constexpr
# define noisku_ctaipe     decltype
# define vimcu             delete
# define cnino_ctaipe      dynamic_cast     // Couldn't find "dynamic", went with "new"
# define birti             explicit         // Couldn't find "explicit", went with "certain"
# define zeo               export           // Couldn't find "export", went with "outward"
# define pendo             friend           // I am surprised the Lojban designers needed a word for "friend"
# define galfi             mutable          // Couldn't find "mutable", went with "modify"
# define raaicanlu         namespace
# define cnino             new
# define nonafseltei       noexcept
# define toldra_farsni     nullptr          // Like most of these, only works in a very literal sense
# define maoe              operator
# define sivni             private
# define bandu             protected
# define gubni             public
# define tikygau_ctaipe    reinterpret_cast // Couldn't find "reinterpret", went with "change"
# define sevzi             this             // Couldn't find "this", went with "self"
# define cilta_diklo       thread_local
# define mintu_xusra       static_assert    // Couldn't find "static", went with "same"
# define mintu_ctaipe      static_cast      // Technically this translates to "same type" which is the opposite...
/*# define template*/                       // Couldn't find "template" or any suitable alternative
# define renro             throw
# define troci             try
# define ctaipe_klesi      typeid           // Couldn't find "ID", went with "class"
# define ctaipe_raai       typename
# define pilno             using            // Couldn't find "using", went with "use"
# define xanri             virtual          // Couldn't find "virtual", went with "imaginary"
#endif // __cplusplus

# define sirgazgau(x)       alignof(x)      // Couldn't find translation for "of"
#define jeu                 bool            // Bool(e) is a name, used "truth" instead
#define porpi               break
#define genrkasu            case
#define xatra               char
#define stodi               const
#define ranji               continue
#define tecycuxskicauzmi    default         // "Learn Lojban", they said. "It's logical", they said.
#define coe                 do              // 'do, "have sexual intercourse with", gletu' (see "pendo")
#define relpii              double
#define drata               else            // Couldn't find "else/otherwise/...", went with "other"
#define liste               enum            // Couldn't find "enumerat[e,ion]/series/...", went with "list"
#define xulta               extern
#define jifta               false
#define fulta               float           // They have "float" but not "otherwise". "Logical language".
// ...
//#define for
#define plipe               goto
//#define if
//#define inline
#define mulnau              int
#define clani               long
#define datnyvau            register
//#define  return
#define tordu               short
//#define  signed
#define cisni               sizeof
//#define  static
#define stura               struct
#define vrabatke            switch
#define jetnu               true
#define ctaipe_tamgau       typedef
#define selcmi              union
//#define  unsigned
//#define  void
//#define  volatile
#define juakui              while

#endif // ! LOJBAN_H

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>

ctaipe_tamgau stura {
    uint32_t eax;
    selcmi {
        uint16_t ax;
        stura {
            uint8_t ah;
            uint8_t al;
} datynyvau_t;

mulnau main(void)
    printf("I hate Lojban\n");
    return 0;

I hate Lojban

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