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sgshubham - Python, pasted on Nov 24:
import six

from django.db.models.expressions import (
    F as FBase, Value as ValueBase, Func, Expression)

class OperatorMixin(object):
    CAT = '||'
    REPLACE = '#='
    DELETE = '#-'
    KEY = '->'
    KEYTEXT = '->>'
    PATH = '#>'
    PATHTEXT = '#>>'

    def cat(self, other):
        return self._combine(other, self.CAT, False)

    def replace(self, other):
        return self._combine(other, self.REPLACE, False)

    def delete(self, other):
        return self._combine(other, self.DELETE, False)

    def key(self, other):
        return self._combine(other, self.KEY, False)

    def keytext(self, other):
        return self._combine(other, self.KEYTEXT, False)

    def path(self, other):
        return self._combine(other, self.PATH, False)

    def pathtext(self, other):
        return self._combine(other, self.PATHTEXT, False)

class F(FBase, OperatorMixin):

class Value(ValueBase, OperatorMixin):
    def as_sql(self, compiler, connection):
        if self._output_field and any(self._output_field.get_internal_type() == fieldname for fieldname in
                                      ['ArrayField', 'MultiReferenceArrayField']):
            base_field = self._output_field.base_field
            return '%s::%s[]' % ('%s', base_field.db_type(connection)), [self.value]
        return super(Value, self).as_sql(compiler, connection)

class SimpleFunc(Func):

    def __init__(self, field, *values, **extra):
        if not isinstance(field, Expression):
            field = F(field)
            if values and not isinstance(values[0], Expression):
                values = [Value(v) for v in values]
        super(SimpleFunc, self).__init__(field, *values, **extra)

class ArrayAppend(SimpleFunc):
    function = 'ARRAY_APPEND'

class ArrayPrepend(Func):
    function = 'ARRAY_PREPEND'

    def __init__(self, value, field, **extra):
        if not isinstance(value, Expression):
            value = Value(value)
            field = F(field)
        super(ArrayPrepend, self).__init__(value, field, **extra)

class ArrayRemove(SimpleFunc):
    function = 'ARRAY_REMOVE'

class ArrayReplace(SimpleFunc):
    function = 'ARRAY_REPLACE'

class ArrayPosition(SimpleFunc):
    function = 'ARRAY_POSITION'

class ArrayPositions(SimpleFunc):
    function = 'ARRAY_POSITIONS'

class ArrayCat(Func):
    function = 'ARRAY_CAT'

    def __init__(
            self, field, value, prepend=False, output_field=None, **extra):
        if not isinstance(field, Expression):
            field = F(field)
        if not isinstance(value, Expression):
            if isinstance(value, six.string_types):
                value = F(value)
            elif output_field:
                value = Value(value, output_field=output_field)
                value = Value(value)
        if prepend:
            super(ArrayCat, self).__init__(value, field, **extra)
            super(ArrayCat, self).__init__(field, value, **extra)

class ArrayLength(SimpleFunc):
    function = 'ARRAY_LENGTH'

class ArrayDims(SimpleFunc):
    function = 'ARRAY_DIMS'

class ArrayUpper(SimpleFunc):
    function = 'ARRAY_UPPER'

class ArrayLower(SimpleFunc):
    function = 'ARRAY_LOWER'

class Cardinality(SimpleFunc):
    function = 'CARDINALITY'

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