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Python, pasted on Jan 17:
def play_hand(hand,points_dict): 
    Allows the user to play the given hand, as follows:

    * The hand is displayed.
    * The user may input a word.

    * An invalid word is rejected, and a message is displayed asking
      the user to choose another word.

    * When a valid word is entered, it uses up letters from the hand.

    * After every valid word: the score for that word and the total
      score so far are displayed, the remaining letters in the hand 
      are displayed, and the user is asked to input another word.

    * The sum of the word scores is displayed when the hand finishes.

    * The hand finishes when there are no more unused letters.
      The user can also finish playing the hand by inputing a single
      period (the string '.') instead of a word.

    * The final score is displayed.

      hand: dictionary (string -> int)
      dictionary: dictionary of lower case string words and scores
    userWords = None
    score = 0.00
    counter = 0
    x = rem_Hand(hand)##Creates a working hand x, keeping original hand to print
    print 'Current Hand: ', display_hand(x)  
    time_limit = get_time_limit(points_dict,k)
    overall_time = 0
    while counter < HAND_SIZE:
          start_time = time.time()
          userWords = pick_best_word(x,points_dict)
          end_time = time.time()
          if userWords == '.':
            return '"." received. Game over. Total Score: %.2f'%score
            total_time = (end_time-start_time)
            overall_time += total_time
            if time_limit-overall_time <= .0004:
                return 'You exceeded the time limit. Total score: %.2f'%score
            if total_time == 0:
                total_time = 0.0005
            score += (points_dict[userWords])/total_time
            counter += len(userWords)
            x = update_hand(x,userWords)
            if counter < HAND_SIZE:
              print 'It took %0.2f seconds to provide an answer' %total_time
              print "'",userWords,"'", 'earned', ('%0.2f' %((points_dict[userWords])/total_time)),'points. Current Score: ',('%.2f'%score)
              print 'Current hand: ',; display_hand(x)
    return 'Total Score: %.2f'%score
def testph(hand):
  '''test play_hand with string hand'''
  assert type(hand)==type('ab'), 'hand must be a string'
  x = get_frequency_dict(hand)
  return play_hand(x,points_dict)

##beginning of ps6

def pick_best_word(hand,points_dict):
    '''Return the highest scoring word from words_dict that can be made
    with the given hand.
    Return '.' if no words can be made with the given hand.
    hand: directory of frequency
    points_dict: dictionary of words and scores
    words = points_dict.keys()
    for i in range(len(words)):
        if hand == get_frequency_dict(words[i]):
            return words[i]
            for k in get_frequency_dict(words[i]).keys():
                if k in hand.keys():
                    if hand[k]>=get_frequency_dict(words[i])[k]:
            if counter==len(get_frequency_dict(words[i])):
                if points_dict[words[i]]>score:
    if ansFound:
        return ans
        return '.'

def get_time_limit(points_dict,k):
    Return the time limit for the computer player as a function of
    the multiplier k.

    points_dict should be the same dictionary that is created by
    start_time = time.time()
    #Do some computation. The only purpose of the computation is so we can
    #figure out how long the computer takes to perfom a known task.
    for word in points_dict:
    return (end_time - start_time)*k



def play_game():
    Allow the user to play an arbitrary number of hands.

    * Asks the user to input 'n' or 'r' or 'e'.

    * If the user inputs 'n', let the user play a new (random) hand.
      When done playing the hand, ask the 'n' or 'e' question again.

    * If the user inputs 'r', let the user play the last hand again.

    * If the user inputs 'e', exit the game.

    * If the user inputs anything else, ask them again.

    hand = deal_hand(HAND_SIZE) # random init
    while True:
        cmd = raw_input('Enter n to deal a new hand, r to replay the last hand, or e to end game: ')
        if cmd == 'n':
            hand = deal_hand(HAND_SIZE)
            play_hand(hand.copy(), points_dict)
        elif cmd == 'r':
            play_hand(hand.copy(), points_dict)
        elif cmd == 'e':
            print "Invalid command."

# Build data structures used for entire session and play game
if __name__ == '__main__':
    #word_list = load_words()

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