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Plain Text, pasted on Aug 2:
[10:50:55] Wowhead Client (1.6.9) started.
[10:50:55] Creating `ContainerForm`.
[10:50:55] Creating `MainForm`.
[10:50:55] Creating `UpdaterForm`.
	[10:50:55] HttpClient::Reset
	[10:50:55] HttpClient::Close
	[10:50:55] HttpClient::Reset
	[10:50:55] HttpClient::Close
	[10:50:55] HttpClient::Request_SendGET
	[10:50:55] Sending GET query. (/files/updates.dat)
	[10:50:55] Thread started.
	[10:50:55] HttpClient::_CallbackResolve
	[10:50:55] HttpClient::_CallbackConnect - Server found.
	[10:50:55] HttpClient::_CompletionCondition (... + 0 = 0 bytes)
	[10:50:55] HttpClient::_CompletionCondition (... + 93 = 93 bytes)
	[10:50:55] HttpClient::_CallbackWriteRequest
	[10:50:55] HttpClient::_CallbackReadStatusLine
	[10:50:55] HttpClient::_CallbackReadHeaders (... + 495 = 512 bytes)
	[10:50:55] HttpClient::_CallbackReadContent (... + 265 = 777 bytes)
	[10:50:55] HttpClient::_CallbackReadContent (... + 83 = 860 bytes)
	[10:50:55] HttpClient::_CallbackReadContent (... + 0 = 860 bytes)
	[10:50:55] Thread finished.
	[10:50:55] Query succeeded.
	[10:50:55] HttpClient::Close
	[10:50:55] Source: Cancelled
	[10:50:55] HttpClient::Close
[10:50:55] Deleted `UpdaterForm`.
[10:50:55] Refreshing data...
 - Scanning 'C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft' (Live):
  > 'C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Cache\WDB\enUS\creaturecache.wdb': Data available for upload.
  > 'C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Cache\WDB\enUS\itemcache.wdb': Data available for upload.
  > 'C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Cache\WDB\enUS\gameobjectcache.wdb': Data available for upload.
  > 'C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Cache\WDB\enUS\pagetextcache.wdb': Fully uploaded.
  > 'C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Cache\WDB\enUS\questcache.wdb': Data available for upload.
  > 'C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\WTF\Account\DAVIDTHEMACHINE\SavedVariables\+Wowhead_Looter.lua': Not uploaded.

[10:51:05] Refreshing data...
 - Scanning 'C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft' (Live):
  > 'C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Cache\WDB\enUS\creaturecache.wdb': Data available for upload.
  > 'C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Cache\WDB\enUS\itemcache.wdb': Data available for upload.
  > 'C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Cache\WDB\enUS\gameobjectcache.wdb': Data available for upload.
  > 'C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Cache\WDB\enUS\pagetextcache.wdb': Fully uploaded.
  > 'C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Cache\WDB\enUS\questcache.wdb': Data available for upload.
  > 'C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\WTF\Account\DAVIDTHEMACHINE\SavedVariables\+Wowhead_Looter.lua': Not uploaded.

[10:51:05] Attempting to upload: All requirements met.
[10:51:05] Creating `UploadForm`.
	[10:51:05] HttpClient::Reset
	[10:51:05] HttpClient::Close
	[10:51:05] HttpClient::Reset
	[10:51:05] HttpClient::Close
	[10:51:05] HttpClient::Request_SendGET
	[10:51:05] Sending GET query. (/auth.php?username=DArcMattr&password=****************************1ec0)
	[10:51:05] Thread started.
	[10:51:05] HttpClient::_CallbackResolve
	[10:51:05] HttpClient::_CallbackConnect - Server found.
	[10:51:05] HttpClient::_CompletionCondition (... + 0 = 0 bytes)
	[10:51:05] HttpClient::_CompletionCondition (... + 145 = 145 bytes)
	[10:51:05] HttpClient::_CallbackWriteRequest
	[10:51:05] HttpClient::_CallbackReadStatusLine
	[10:51:05] HttpClient::_CallbackReadHeaders (... + 538 = 555 bytes)
	[10:51:05] HttpClient::_CallbackReadContent (... + 0 = 555 bytes)
	[10:51:05] Thread finished.
	[10:51:05] Query succeeded.
	[10:51:05] HttpClient::Reset
	[10:51:05] HttpClient::Close
[10:51:05] Preparing 'C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Cache\WDB\enUS\creaturecache.wdb' (171910 bytes).
	0 done + 1525 = 1525 row(s)
	[10:51:05] HttpClient::Request_AddMultipartFile - 'LIVE_3.3.5.12340_enUS_creaturecache.wdb.gz' (35678 bytes)
[10:51:05] Preparing 'C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Cache\WDB\enUS\itemcache.wdb' (3570168 bytes).
	0 done + 7700 = 7700 row(s)
	[10:51:06] HttpClient::Request_AddMultipartFile - 'LIVE_3.3.5.12340_enUS_itemcache.wdb.gz' (435480 bytes)
[10:51:06] Preparing 'C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Cache\WDB\enUS\gameobjectcache.wdb' (179312 bytes).
	0 done + 1129 = 1129 row(s)
	[10:51:06] HttpClient::Request_AddMultipartFile - 'LIVE_3.3.5.12340_enUS_gameobjectcache.wdb.gz' (15250 bytes)
[10:51:06] Preparing 'C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Cache\WDB\enUS\pagetextcache.wdb' (32 bytes).
	0 done + 0 = 0 row(s)
[10:51:06] Preparing 'C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Cache\WDB\enUS\questcache.wdb' (111208 bytes).
	0 done + 114 = 114 row(s)
	[10:51:06] HttpClient::Request_AddMultipartFile - 'LIVE_3.3.5.12340_enUS_questcache.wdb.gz' (31953 bytes)
[10:51:06] Preparing 'C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\WTF\Account\DAVIDTHEMACHINE\SavedVariables\+Wowhead_Looter.lua' (3951222 bytes).
	[10:51:06] HttpClient::Request_AddMultipartFile - 'LIVE_3.3.5.12340_DAVIDTHEMACHINE_SavedVariables.lua.gz' (817839 bytes)
	[10:51:06] HttpClient::Request_SendPOST
	[10:51:06] Sending POST query. (/upload.php?username=DArcMattr&password=****************************1ec0&clientversion=1.6.9&looterversion=30316&os=windows&osversion=
	[10:51:06] Thread started.
	[10:51:06] HttpClient::_CallbackResolve
	[10:51:06] HttpClient::_CallbackConnect - Server found.
	[10:51:06] HttpClient::_CompletionCondition (... + 0 = 0 bytes)
	[10:51:06] HttpClient::_CompletionCondition (... + 65536 = 65536 bytes)
	[10:51:06] HttpClient::_CompletionCondition (... + 65536 = 131072 bytes)
	[10:51:06] HttpClient::_CompletionCondition (... + 65536 = 196608 bytes)
	[10:51:06] HttpClient::_CompletionCondition (... + 65536 = 262144 bytes)
	[10:51:06] HttpClient::_CompletionCondition (... + 65536 = 327680 bytes)
	[10:51:06] HttpClient::_CompletionCondition (... + 65536 = 393216 bytes)
	[10:51:06] HttpClient::_CompletionCondition (... + 65536 = 458752 bytes)
	[10:51:07] HttpClient::_CompletionCondition (... + 65536 = 524288 bytes)
	[10:51:07] HttpClient::_CompletionCondition (... + 65536 = 589824 bytes)
	[10:51:07] HttpClient::_CompletionCondition (... + 65536 = 655360 bytes)
	[10:51:07] HttpClient::_CompletionCondition (... + 65536 = 720896 bytes)
	[10:51:07] HttpClient::_CompletionCondition (... + 65536 = 786432 bytes)
	[10:51:07] HttpClient::_CompletionCondition (... + 65536 = 851968 bytes)
	[10:51:07] HttpClient::_CompletionCondition (... + 65536 = 917504 bytes)
	[10:51:07] HttpClient::_CompletionCondition (... + 65536 = 983040 bytes)
	[10:51:07] HttpClient::_CompletionCondition (... + 65536 = 1048576 bytes)
	[10:51:07] HttpClient::_CompletionCondition (... + 65536 = 1114112 bytes)
	[10:51:07] HttpClient::_CompletionCondition (... + 65536 = 1179648 bytes)
	[10:51:07] HttpClient::_CompletionCondition (... + 65536 = 1245184 bytes)
	[10:51:07] HttpClient::_CompletionCondition (... + 65536 = 1310720 bytes)
	[10:51:07] HttpClient::_CompletionCondition (... + 26750 = 1337470 bytes)
	[10:51:07] HttpClient::_CallbackWriteRequest
	[10:51:16] HttpClient::Close
	[10:51:16] HttpClient::_CallbackReadStatusLine
	[10:51:16] Thread finished.
	[10:51:16] Source: TIMER_TIMEOUT
	[10:51:16] Query failed: The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request
[10:51:18] Upload failed: The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request
	[10:51:18] HttpClient::Close
	[10:51:18] Source: Cancelled
	[10:51:18] HttpClient::Close
[10:51:18] Deleted `UploadForm`.

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