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Almg - C++, pasted on Jan 18:
//Program that determines if a specific word or sentence is palindrome

#include <iostream> //import libraries
#include <string>
using namespace std;
//constant value
const int N=520;
//main program
int main () {
  char sentence[N+1] ;
  bool ispal=true; //false if the sentence is not palindrome 
  int i=0, n; //The sentence is traversed with an index
  cout << "Enter the sentence finished on point : racecar, amore, roma, name not the man, race fast, safe car, hello world";
  cin>> sentence [i];
  while (sentence [i] !='.') cin>> sentence[i++];
 //use the function strlen for ignore spaces
  sentence [i]='\0';
//Search if the sentence is palindrome or not. 
  while ((i<n/2) and (ispal))
   if (sentence [i] != sentence [n-i-1]) ispal=false;
   else i++;
  if (ispal)
  cout<<"true, is palindrome." ;
  cout<< "false." ;
  return 0;

Enter the sentence finished on point : racecar, amore, roma, name not the man, race fast, safe car, hello world
Segmentation fault

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