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C++, pasted on Oct 29:
class vertexStruct
vertexStruct(int fvf);

int fvf; 
int stride(); 

  // get Offset returns the offset in the 'struct' to this component. e.g. position or color
  int getOffset(int fvfComponent)
    // would do math involving the fvf member here

  // returns true if fvf contains fvfComponent
  bool contains(int fvfComponent)
    return fvf&fvfComponent;


Then your function that builds your sphere for example: 

buildSphere(float* modelData, vertexStruct vs, int vertexCount)
  for(int i=0; i<vertexCount; i++)
      modelData[i*modelData.stride+getOffset(D3DFVF_POSITION)]=1.0f; // x position
     modelData[i*modelData.stride+getOffset(D3DFVF_POSITION)]=1.0f; // y position
     modelData[i*modelData.stride+getOffset(D3DFVF_POSITION)]=1.0f; // z position

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