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apotheon - Plain Text, pasted on Mar 28:
On The Second Shelf Of A Ladder-Style Bookshelf Unit:

*Writing Down the Bones (Freeing the Writer Within)* by Natalie Goldberg

*We Can Remember It For You Wholesale (And Other Classic Stories)* by Philip K. Dick

*Across Realtime* by Vernor Vinge

*The Hollowing* by Robert Holdstock

*Odalisque* by Neal Stephenson

*Focault's Pendulum* by Umberto Eco

*Alongside Night* by J. Neil Schulman

*The Virtue of Selfishness* by Ayn Rand

*Mere Christianity* by C. S. Lewis

*Become What You Are* by Alan Watts

*Tao: The Watercourse Way* by Alan Watts

*What Is Tao?* by Alan Watts

*Reason and Anti-reason in Our Time* by Karl Jaspers

*13 Things That Don't Make Sense (The Most Baffling Scientific Mysteries of Our Time)* by Michael Brooks

*In Search of the Big Bang* by John Gribbin

*Schrodinger's Kittens and the Search for Reality* by John Gribbin

*Faster Than Light (Superluminal Loopholes in Physics)* by Nick Herbert

*How to Live on Mars* by Robert Zubrin

*The Code Book (The Science of Secrecy from Ancient Egypt to Quantum Cryptography)* by Simon Singh

*The Next 100 Years (A Forecast for the 21st Century)* by George Friedman

*Distrust That Particular Flavor* by William Gibson

*The Future of the Internet -- and How to Stop It* by Jonathan Zitrain

*Free Culture (The Nature and Future of Creativity)* by Lawrence Lessig

*The Wealth of Networks* by Yochai Benkler

*Hamilton's Curse* by Thomas J. DiLorenzo

*Give War A Chance* by PJ O'Rourke

*Healing Our World (In an Age of Aggression)* by Mary Ruwart

*End the Fed* by Ron Paul

*Freakonomics (A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything)* by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner


I use this shelf to store books I want to have in an easily remembered location
so that, whenever it becomes time to pick what to read next, I will be able to
fall back on grabbing one of them to get them all read and off my reading
backlog.  Books tend to end up in this collection if they are gifts,
recommendations, or things I picked up because I felt a need to read them to
round out some set of works I've been meaning to get through to achieve some
sense of "completeness" of my readings on particular topics.  None of the books
in this collection are books I have already read, books I use for reference on
a regular basis, or books that I have actively avoided reading, nor are they
books that I am currently reading (which is why Adam Smith's *Wealth of Nations*
is not on that shelf, despite the fact I have been working my way through it for
about two years now, finishing scores of other books between its chapters).

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