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Python, pasted on Jul 7:
def decode_tile(char):
    tile = Tile()

    if char == '*':
        #code to create whatever tile this is
    ''' lots more cases here '''
    elif char == '#':
        #like this
        tile.name = 'stone_wall'
        tile.blocks = True
        tile.blocks_sight = True
    return tile

def load_map(filen):
    map = list()
    #open txt file where you store the map
    with open(filen) as text:
        #2d for-loop through tiles
        for line in text:
            #current row of tiles
            current_row = list()
            for tile in line:
                #current column in the row
            #finalize row
    return map #stores map as a 2d array of tiles

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