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Plain Text, pasted on Apr 30:
[root@freebsd-90-rc3-amd64:/usr/home/koobs/ports/riak/work/riak-1.1.2/rel/riak/bin] ./riak console
Exec: /usr/home/koobs/ports/riak/work/riak-1.1.2/rel/riak/erts-5.8.5/bin/erlexec -boot /usr/home/koobs/ports/riak/work/riak-1.1.2/rel/riak/releases/1.1.2/riak             -embedded -config /usr/home/koobs/ports/riak/work/riak-1.1.2/rel/riak/etc/app.config             -pa ./lib/basho-patches             -args_file /usr/home/koobs/ports/riak/work/riak-1.1.2/rel/riak/etc/vm.args -- console
Root: /usr/home/koobs/ports/riak/work/riak-1.1.2/rel/riak
Erlang R14B04 (erts-5.8.5) [source] [64-bit] [rq:1] [async-threads:64] [kernel-poll:true]

=INFO REPORT==== 30-Apr-2012::22:16:08 ===
    alarm_handler: {set,{system_memory_high_watermark,[]}}
** ./lib/basho-patches/etop_txt.beam hides /usr/home/koobs/ports/riak/work/riak-1.1.2/rel/riak/lib/observer-0.9.10/ebin/etop_txt.beam
** /usr/home/koobs/ports/riak/work/riak-1.1.2/rel/riak/lib/observer-0.9.10/ebin/etop_txt.beam hides /usr/home/koobs/ports/riak/work/riak-1.1.2/rel/riak/lib/basho-patches/etop_txt.beam
** Found 2 name clashes in code paths
22:16:09.106 [info] Application lager started on node 'riak@'
22:16:09.165 [info] Application riak_core started on node 'riak@'
22:16:09.167 [info] Application riak_control started on node 'riak@'
22:16:09.168 [info] Application basho_metrics started on node 'riak@'
22:16:09.169 [info] Application cluster_info started on node 'riak@'
22:16:09.175 [info] Application merge_index started on node 'riak@'
22:16:09.179 [info] Waiting for service riak_pipe to start (0 seconds)
22:16:09.195 [info] Waiting for application riak_pipe to start (0 seconds).
22:16:09.196 [info] Application riak_pipe started on node 'riak@'
22:16:09.214 [info] Application inets started on node 'riak@'
22:16:09.217 [info] Application mochiweb started on node 'riak@'
22:16:09.225 [info] Application erlang_js started on node 'riak@'
22:16:09.230 [info] Application luke started on node 'riak@'
22:16:09.242 [info] Waiting for service riak_kv to start (0 seconds)
22:16:09.275 [info] Spidermonkey VM (thread stack: 16MB, max heap: 8MB, pool: riak_kv_js_map) host starting (<0.269.0>)
22:16:09.278 [info] Spidermonkey VM (thread stack: 16MB, max heap: 8MB, pool: riak_kv_js_map) host starting (<0.270.0>)
22:16:09.280 [info] Spidermonkey VM (thread stack: 16MB, max heap: 8MB, pool: riak_kv_js_map) host starting (<0.271.0>)
22:16:09.282 [info] Spidermonkey VM (thread stack: 16MB, max heap: 8MB, pool: riak_kv_js_map) host starting (<0.272.0>)
22:16:09.285 [info] Spidermonkey VM (thread stack: 16MB, max heap: 8MB, pool: riak_kv_js_map) host starting (<0.273.0>)
22:16:09.287 [info] Spidermonkey VM (thread stack: 16MB, max heap: 8MB, pool: riak_kv_js_map) host starting (<0.274.0>)
22:16:09.289 [info] Spidermonkey VM (thread stack: 16MB, max heap: 8MB, pool: riak_kv_js_map) host starting (<0.275.0>)
22:16:09.292 [info] Spidermonkey VM (thread stack: 16MB, max heap: 8MB, pool: riak_kv_js_map) host starting (<0.276.0>)
22:16:09.295 [info] Spidermonkey VM (thread stack: 16MB, max heap: 8MB, pool: riak_kv_js_reduce) host starting (<0.278.0>)
22:16:09.298 [info] Wait complete for application riak_pipe (0 seconds)
22:16:09.299 [info] Spidermonkey VM (thread stack: 16MB, max heap: 8MB, pool: riak_kv_js_reduce) host starting (<0.279.0>)
22:16:09.305 [info] Spidermonkey VM (thread stack: 16MB, max heap: 8MB, pool: riak_kv_js_reduce) host starting (<0.280.0>)
22:16:09.309 [info] Spidermonkey VM (thread stack: 16MB, max heap: 8MB, pool: riak_kv_js_reduce) host starting (<0.281.0>)
22:16:09.312 [info] Spidermonkey VM (thread stack: 16MB, max heap: 8MB, pool: riak_kv_js_reduce) host starting (<0.294.0>)
22:16:09.315 [info] Spidermonkey VM (thread stack: 16MB, max heap: 8MB, pool: riak_kv_js_reduce) host starting (<0.307.0>)
22:16:09.319 [info] Spidermonkey VM (thread stack: 16MB, max heap: 8MB, pool: riak_kv_js_hook) host starting (<0.323.0>)
22:16:09.322 [info] Spidermonkey VM (thread stack: 16MB, max heap: 8MB, pool: riak_kv_js_hook) host starting (<0.338.0>)
22:16:09.337 [info] Application bitcask started on node 'riak@'
22:16:09.358 [info] Waiting for application riak_kv to start (0 seconds).
22:16:09.363 [info] Application riak_kv started on node 'riak@'
22:16:09.365 [info] Application riak_search started on node 'riak@'
22:16:09.365 [info] Application basho_stats started on node 'riak@'
22:16:09.373 [info] Application runtime_tools started on node 'riak@'
22:16:09.373 [info] Application public_key started on node 'riak@'
22:16:09.382 [info] Wait complete for service riak_pipe (0 seconds)
22:16:09.391 [info] Application ssl started on node 'riak@'
Eshell V5.8.5  (abort with ^G)
(riak@> 22:16:09.472 [info] Wait complete for application riak_kv (0 seconds)
22:16:09.662 [info] Wait complete for service riak_kv (0 seconds)

Apr 30 22:04:56 freebsd-90-rc3-amd64 riak[40319]: Starting up
Apr 30 22:13:42 freebsd-90-rc3-amd64 riak[45414]: Starting up
Apr 30 22:14:19 freebsd-90-rc3-amd64 riak[45463]: Starting up
Apr 30 22:14:56 freebsd-90-rc3-amd64 riak[45629]: Starting up
root     beam       45629 8  tcp4   *:20537               *:*
root     beam       45629 15 tcp4   *:8099                *:*
root     beam       45629 16 tcp4        *:*
root     beam       45629 17 tcp4        *:*
root     epmd       40481 3  tcp4   *:4369                *:*

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