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C, pasted on Jan 25:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

/* Macro definitions base64 */
#define TABLELEN        63
#define BUFFFERLEN      128

#define ENCODERLEN      4
#define ENCODEROPLEN    0

#define PADDINGCHAR     '='
/* Function prototypes */
int Base64Encode(char *input, char *output, int oplen);
int encodeblock(char *input, char *output, int oplen);
int Base64Decode(char *input, char *output, int oplen);
int decodeblock(char *input, char *output, int oplen);
/* Its always better to move the macros and function prototypes to a header file */

int decodeblock(char *input, char *output, int oplen){
   int rc = 0;
   char decodedstr[ENCODERLEN + 1] = "";

   decodedstr[0] = input[0] << 2 | input[1] >> 4;
   decodedstr[1] = input[1] << 4 | input[2] >> 2;
   decodedstr[2] = input[2] << 6 | input[3] >> 0;
   strncat(output, decodedstr, oplen-strlen(output));

   return rc;

int Base64Decode(char *input, char *output, int oplen){
   char *charval = 0;
   char decoderinput[ENCODERLEN + 1] = "";
   char encodingtabe[TABLELEN + 1] = BASE64CHARSET;
   int index = 0, asciival = 0, computeval = 0, iplen = 0, rc = 0;

   iplen = strlen(input);
   while(index < iplen){
      asciival = (int)input[index];
      if(asciival == PADDINGCHAR){
         rc = decodeblock(decoderinput, output, oplen);
         charval = strchr(encodingtabe, asciival);
            decoderinput[computeval] = charval - encodingtabe;
            computeval = (computeval + 1) % 4;
            if(computeval == 0){
               rc = decodeblock(decoderinput, output, oplen);
               decoderinput[0] = decoderinput[1] =
               decoderinput[2] = decoderinput[3] = 0;

   return rc;

int encodeblock(char *input, char *output, int oplen){
   int rc = 0, iplen = 0;
   char encodedstr[ENCODERLEN + 1] = "";
   char encodingtabe[TABLELEN + 1] = BASE64CHARSET;

   iplen = strlen(input);
   encodedstr[0] = encodingtabe[ input[0] >> 2 ];
   encodedstr[1] = encodingtabe[ ((input[0] & 0x03) << 4) |
                                 ((input[1] & 0xf0) >> 4) ];
   encodedstr[2] = (iplen > 1 ? encodingtabe[ ((input[1] & 0x0f) << 2) |
                                              ((input[2] & 0xc0) >> 6) ] : PADDINGCHAR);
   encodedstr[3] = (iplen > 2 ? encodingtabe[ input[2] & 0x3f ] : PADDINGCHAR);
   strncat(output, encodedstr, oplen-strlen(output));

   return rc;

int Base64Encode(char *input, char *output, int oplen){
   int rc = 0;
   int index = 0, ipindex = 0, iplen = 0;
   char encoderinput[ENCODERBLOCKLEN + 1] = "";

   iplen = strlen(input);
   while(ipindex < iplen){
      for(index = 0; index < 3; index++){
         if(ipindex < iplen){
            encoderinput[index] = input[ipindex];
            encoderinput[index] = 0;
      rc = encodeblock(encoderinput, output, oplen);

   return rc;

/* RC4: */
/* Prototype the encryption/decryption function     */
char *EnDeCrypt(const char *pszText, int iTextLen, const char *pszKey);
void swapints(int *array, int ndx1, int ndx2);

char *EnDeCrypt(const char *pszText, int iTextLen, const char *pszKey)
/* ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
   ;:::  This routine does all the work. Call it both to ENcrypt    :::
   ;:::  and to DEcrypt your data.                                  :::
   ;:::  You MUST free the returned pointer when no longer needed   :::
   ;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: */
    char *cipher;                       /* Output buffer                */
    int a, b, i=0, j=0, k;              /* Ambiguously named counters   */
    int ilen;                           /* Length of a string           */
    int sbox[256];                      /* Encryption array             */
    int key[256];                       /* Numeric key values           */

    ilen = strlen(pszKey);

    for (a=0; a < 256; a++)
        key[a] = pszKey[a % ilen];
        sbox[a] = a;

    for (a=0, b=0; a < 256; a++)
        b = (b + sbox[a] + key[a]) % 256;
        swapints(sbox, a, b);

    cipher = (char *)malloc(iTextLen);

    for (a=0; a < iTextLen; a++)
        i = (i + 1) % 256;
        j = (j + sbox[i]) % 256;
        swapints(sbox, i, j);
        k = sbox[(sbox[i] + sbox[j]) % 256];
        cipher[a] = pszText[a] ^ k;
    return cipher;

void swapints(int *array, int ndx1, int ndx2)
    int temp = array[ndx1];
    array[ndx1] = array[ndx2];
    array[ndx2] = temp;
int main()
    char buf[256], passwd[16], *pEncrypted, *pDecrypted, *pch;
    int ix, iLen;
    int rc = 0;
   char input[BUFFFERLEN + 1] = "";
   char encodedoutput[BUFFFERLEN + 1] = "";
   char decodedoutput[BUFFFERLEN + 1] = "";

    for (;;)
        printf("\nString to encrypt (just Enter to exit): ");
        fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin);
		for (ix = strlen(buf) - 1; (ix >= 0) && (buf[ix] == 10); ix--)
			buf[ix] = 0;
        if (!buf[0])
        printf("\nKey: ");
        fgets(passwd, sizeof(passwd), stdin);
		for (ix = strlen(passwd) - 1; (ix >= 0) && (passwd[ix] == 10); ix--)
			passwd[ix] = 0;
        if (!passwd[0])
		iLen = strlen(buf);
        pEncrypted = EnDeCrypt(buf, iLen, passwd);
        rc = Base64Encode(pEncrypted, encodedoutput, BUFFFERLEN);
        printf("\nEncrypted output:\n");
        /* for (pch = pEncrypted, ix=0; ix < iLen; pch++, ix++)
            if (!(ix % 20))
            printf("%1X ", (unsigned char)*pch);
        } */
        rc = Base64Decode(encodedoutput, decodedoutput, BUFFFERLEN);
        pDecrypted = EnDeCrypt(decodedoutput, iLen, passwd);
		pDecrypted[iLen] = 0;	/* Null-terminate */
        printf("\nDecrypted text: %s", pDecrypted);
    return 0;

/*int main(void) {
   int rc = 0;
   char input[BUFFFERLEN + 1] = "";
   char encodedoutput[BUFFFERLEN + 1] = "";
   char decodedoutput[BUFFFERLEN + 1] = "";

   printf("Enter a string: \n");
   scanf("%[^\n]", input);

   rc = Base64Encode(input, encodedoutput, BUFFFERLEN);
   printf("Base64 Encoded value: %s\n", encodedoutput);

   rc = Base64Decode(encodedoutput, decodedoutput, BUFFFERLEN);
   printf("Base64 Decoded value: %s", decodedoutput);


	return rc;



String to encrypt (just Enter to exit): 

Create a new paste based on this one
