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C++, pasted on Mar 22:
#include "GameObject.h"
#include "DarkGDK.h"
#include "Game.h"
#include "Quadtree.h"

int GameObject::counter = 1000;

GameObject::GameObject( PLAYER_ID owner, float x, float y, float facing, QuadTree* tree, int spriteid )
	id = GameObject::counter;
	this->spriteid = spriteid;
	this->owner = owner;
	angle = facing;
	qtree = tree;
	scale = 1.0f;
	destructable = false;
	removeable = false;
	pathing = true;
	height = dbSpriteHeight(spriteid) * scale;
	width = dbSpriteWidth(spriteid) * scale;
	collsize = std::max( width, height );
	rect = Rect( x, y,  x + width, y + height );
	animationstart = 1;
	animationend = 1;
	animationspersec = 0;
	animationcurrent = animationstart;

	if( pathing && qtree )
		qtree->UpdateObjectInformation( this );
	dbSetSpriteFrame( spriteid, animationcurrent );
	dbPasteSprite( spriteid, x, y );
}	// end Konstructor

	if( qtree )
		qtree->RemoveObject( this );
}	// end Destructor

void GameObject::Render()
	dbSetSpriteFrame( spriteid, animationcurrent );
	dbPasteSprite( spriteid, rect.topleft_x, rect.topleft_y );
}	// end Render

void GameObject::SetPosition(float x, float y)
	const float deltat = GAME->GetDeltaTime();
	// animate the sprite
	if( animationcurrent < animationstart )
		animationcurrent = animationstart;
	else if( animationcurrent < animationend+1 )
	if( animationcurrent >= animationend+1 )
		animationcurrent = animationstart;

	if( pathing && qtree )
		// check if new position isn't blocked by any "enemy" object
		std::vector<GameObject*> v = qtree->GetObjects( x, y, collsize );
		Rect r = Rect( x, y, x+width, y+height );
		for( std::vector<GameObject*>::iterator it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); ++it )
			//Rect r = (*it)->GetBoundary();
			//if( (*it) != this && rect.IntersectsWithRect( r ) )
			if( (*it) != this && owner != (*it)->GetOwner() && r.IntersectsWithRect( (*it)->GetBoundary() ) )
				// if it is blocked -> don't move the object
				x = rect.topleft_x;
				y = rect.topleft_y;
				// found a blocking object
				// so don't move the current object if it wants to walk towards the object
				/*const float ang = dbWrapValue( dbAtanFull( rect.topleft_y - r.GetCenterY(), rect.topleft_x - r.GetCenterX() ) );
				if( ang <= 45 || ang > 315 )
					x = r.botright_x+1;
					y = rect.topleft_y;
				else if( ang <= 135 )
					x = rect.topleft_x;
					y = r.botright_y+1;
				else if( ang <= 225 )
					x = r.topleft_x-width-1;
					y = rect.topleft_y;
				else if( ang <= 315 )
					x = rect.topleft_x;
					y = r.topleft_y-height-1;

	rect = Rect( x, y,  x + width, y + height );
	if( pathing && qtree )
		qtree->UpdateObjectInformation( this );
}	// end SetPosition

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