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C, pasted on Aug 24:
#include "2d.h"


  all angles are in rads less polar, which is in degs


double dist2d(point2d_t *this, point2d_t *that) {
    return sqrt(SQR((this->x)-(that->x)) + SQR((this->y)-(that->y)) );

double inscribed (point2d_t this, point2d_t that, point2d_t other){

    point2d_t t1, t2, tc;
    point2d_t c1, c2;
    double a;
    setPoint  (&t1, this);
    setPoint  (&t2, other);
    setPoint  (&tc, that);
    tc.x = -tc.x;
    tc.y = -tc.y;
    translate (&t1, tc);
    translate (&t2, tc);
    // x <-> radius    y <-> theta
    cart2polar(&c1, t1);
    cart2polar(&c2, t2);   
    a = c2.y - c1.y;
    if (a > 180.0) {
      a = 360-a;
    return a;

point2d_t * setPoint(point2d_t *p, point2d_t to) {
   p->x = to.x;
   p->y = to.y;
   return p;

point2d_t * translate(point2d_t *p, point2d_t by) {
   p->x += by.x;
   p->y += by.y;
   return p;

// oops, fixed xy error Aug 11/2015
point2d_t * rotatez(point2d_t *p, double by) {
   double xtemp; //, ytemp;
   double cosTheta, sinTheta;
   cosTheta = cos(by);
   sinTheta = sin(by);
   xtemp =             (p->x * cosTheta) - (p->y * sinTheta);
 /*ytemp =*/ p->y =    (p->x * sinTheta) + (p->y * cosTheta);
   p->x = xtemp;
/* p->y = ytemp;*/
   return p;

point2d_t * rotateZAround(point2d_t *p, point2d_t *around, double by) {
   double xtemp; //, ytemp;
   double cosTheta, sinTheta;
   cosTheta = cos(by);
   sinTheta = sin(by);
   xtemp =  around->x + (((p->x) - (around->x)) * cosTheta) - (((p->y) - (around->y)) * sinTheta);
   p->y  =  around->y + (((p->x) - (around->x)) * sinTheta) + (((p->y) - (around->y)) * cosTheta); 
   p->x  =  xtemp;

   return p;

// scale p by by around 0
point2d_t * scale(point2d_t *p, point2d_t by) {
  p->x *= by.x;
  p->y *= by.y;
  return p;

// point to string.
char * point2s(char *s, int bl, point2d_t * this){
    snprintf(s, bl, "%0.3f, %0.3f", this->x, this->y);
    return s;

// x <-> radius    y <-> theta
point2d_t * cart2polar(point2d_t *p, point2d_t cart){
  (*p).x = sqrt(SQR(cart.x) + SQR(cart.y));
  (*p).y = rad2deg(atan2(cart.y, cart.x));
  return p;

// x <-> radius    y <-> theta
point2d_t * polar2cart(point2d_t *p, point2d_t polar){

  (*p).y = polar.x * sin(deg2rad(polar.y)); 
  (*p).x = polar.x * cos(deg2rad(polar.y));

  return p;

line_t *initLine(line_t *l) {
  l->p1.x = 0;
  l->p1.y = 0;
  l->p2.x = 1;
  l->p2.y = 0;
  return l;

line_t *setLine(line_t *l, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) {
  l->p1.x = x1;
  l->p1.y = y1;
  l->p2.x = x2;
  l->p2.y = y2;
  return l;

line_t    * setLinePts(line_t *l, point2d_t *this, point2d_t *that){
  setPoint(&(l->p1), *this);
  setPoint(&(l->p2), *that);
  return l;

line_t *transLine(line_t *l, point2d_t by) {
  translate(&l->p1, by);
  translate(&l->p2, by);
  return l;

line_t *rotLine(line_t *l, double by) {
  rotatez(&l->p1, by);
  rotatez(&l->p2, by);
  return l;

line_t  * rotLineAround(line_t *l, point2d_t * around, double by) {
  rotateZAround(&l->p1, around, by) ;
  rotateZAround(&l->p2, around, by) ;
  return l;

line_t *scaleLine(line_t *l, point2d_t by) {
  scale(&l->p1, by);
  scale(&l->p2, by);
  return l;

char * line2s(char *s, int bl, line_t * this){
    char t1[255];
    char t2[255];
    snprintf(s, bl, "%s -> %s", point2s( t1, 254 , &(this->p1)), point2s( t2, 254, &(this->p2)));
    return s;

point2d_t * getMidPoint(point2d_t *mp, line_t *l){
  mp->x = ((l->p1.x)+(l->p2.x))/2;
  mp->y = ((l->p1.y)+(l->p2.y))/2;
  return mp;

  A*x + B*y = C
lineGF_t * line2General(lineGF_t *g1, line_t *this){
  // convert one line
  if (0) {
  // are points a vert  line?
  } else if (this->p1.x == this->p2.x) {
    // X = k
   // printf("vl\n");
    g1->A = 1;
    g1->B = 0;
    g1->C = this->p1.x;
  // are points a horiz line?  
  } else if (this->p1.y == this->p2.y) {
    // Y = k
   // printf("hl\n");
    g1->A = 0;
    g1->B = 1;
    g1->C = this->p1.y;
  // regular line  
  } else {
   // printf("sl\n");
    g1->B = (this->p2.x - this->p1.x); // xb - xa
    g1->A = (this->p1.y - this->p2.y); // yb - ya
    g1->C = -((this->p2.y) * ((this->p1.x) - (this->p2.x)) - (this->p2.x) * ((this->p1.y) - (this->p2.y)));
  return g1;


  General form of line in A*x + B*y - C = 0   
  returns NULL if the lines are parallel
point2d_t * getIntersection(point2d_t * is, line_t * this, line_t * that) {
  lineGF_t g1;
  lineGF_t g2;
  char s[255];
  // find out of lines are parallel
  if ((this->p1.x - this->p2.x)*(that->p1.y - that->p2.y) - (this->p1.y - this->p2.y)*(that->p1.x - that->p2.x) == 0)  {
    return NULL;
  // to general form
  line2General(&g1, this);  // printf("A = %f, B = %f, C = %f\n", g1.A, g1.B, g1.C );
  line2General(&g2, that);  // printf("A = %f, B = %f, C = %f\n", g2.A, g2.B, g2.C );
  // automagic intersection formula,
  is->y = ((g2.A * g1.C) - (g2.C * g1.A)) / ((g2.A * g1.B) - ( g2.B * g1.A )); 
  if (g1.A != 0.0) {
    is->x = (g1.C - g1.B*is->y)/g1.A;
  } else {
    is->x = (g2.C - g2.B*is->y)/g2.A;
  return is;

  find the arc that hits the 3 given points
arc_t * getArcOn( arc_t * a, point2d_t * this, point2d_t * that, point2d_t * other) {

  line_t    s1, s2;
  point2d_t m1, m2;
  char      s[255];
  // create lines between the two points
  setLinePts(&s1, this, that);
  setLinePts(&s2, that, other);
  // rotate them 90 degrees around their midpoint
  rotLineAround(&s1, getMidPoint(&m1, &s1), deg2rad(90.0));  
  rotLineAround(&s2, getMidPoint(&m2, &s2), deg2rad(90.0));  
  // find the intersection -> arc centre
  getIntersection(&(a->c), &s1, &s2);
  // find the radius
  a->r = dist2d(&(a->c), that);
  // start angle 0, end angle 0
  a->start = 0;
  a->end   = 0;

  return a;

// tell me about it.
char * arc2s  (char *s, int bl, arc_t * this) {
   char t[255];

    snprintf(s, bl, "c -> %s, r -> %f, start angle: %f, stop angle: %f", point2s( t, 254 , &(this->c)), this->r, this->start, this->end);
    return s;

// main
int main(void) {
  point2d_t  p, p2, p3;
  line_t     l, l2;
  char       s[255];
  lineGF_t   g;
  arc_t      a;
  point2d_t  A, B, C;  
  double     ARB, ARC, BRC;
  double     ABC, BCA, CAB;
  double     ACR;
  double     AC, CB, BA;
  double     M, D;

  setLine(&l, 2, 5, 8, 3);
  getMidPoint(&p, &l);
  printf("Line is    : %s\n", line2s(  s, 254, &l));
  printf("midpoint is: %s\n", point2s( s, 254, &p));

  printf("----- 1 -----\n");
  p.x  = 4; p.y  = 4;
  printf("before rotation point is: %s\n", point2s( s, 254, &p));
  p2.x = 2; p2.y = 2; 
  rotateZAround(&p, &p2, deg2rad(90.0));
  printf("after rotation point is: %s\n", point2s( s, 254, &p));
  printf("----- 2 -----\n");
  setLine(&l, 2, 2, 4, 4);
  p.x = 2; p.y = 2;
  rotLineAround(&l, &p, deg2rad(90.0));
  printf("Line is    : %s\n", line2s(  s, 254, &l));

  printf("----- 3 -----\n");
  setLine(&l,  -2, 4, 3, -2);
  line2General(&g, &l);
  printf("(-2,4)-(3,-2) => A = %f, B = %f, C = %f\n", g.A, g.B, g.C );
  printf("----- 4 -----\n");
  setLine(&l,  -6, 2, 8, 2);
  setLine(&l2, 16, 24, 8, 2);
  printf("Line is    : %s\n", line2s(  s, 254, &l));
  printf("Line is    : %s\n", line2s(  s, 254, &l2));
  printf("-> %p\n", getIntersection(&p, &l, &l2));
  printf("Intersection: %s \n", point2s( s, 254, &p)); 
  printf("----- 5 -----\n");
  p.x  = 0; p.y  = 1;
  p2.x = 0; p2.y = 0;
  p3.x = 5; p3.y = 0;
  getArcOn( &a, &p, &p2, &p3);
  printf("Arc is  : %s\n", arc2s( s, 254, &a));
  printf("----- 6 -----\n");
  p.x  = -7; p.y  = -8;
  p2.x = 1; p2.y = 0;
  p3.x = -7; p3.y = 8;
  printf("angle is  : %f\n",  inscribed (p, p2, p3));
  printf("----- 7 -----\n");
   point2d_t  A, B, C;
  double     AC, CB, BA;
  double     ARB, ARC, BRC;
  double     ABC, BCA, CAB; 
  double     ACR;
  double     M, D;
  // givens 
  A.x  = 483.99; A.y = -65.57;
  B.x  = -8.34;  B.y = 27.42;
  C.x  = 261.07; C.y = 287.29;
  ARC  = deg2rad(231.876);
  BRC  = deg2rad(105.835);
  ARB  = deg2rad(126.04);
  // statics
  AC  = dist2d(&A, &C);
  CB  = dist2d(&C, &B);
  BA  = dist2d(&B, &A);
  ABC = deg2rad(inscribed (C, B, A));
  BCA = deg2rad(inscribed (A, C, B));
  CAB = deg2rad(inscribed (C, A, B)); // not used for this
  // calculations
  M = (AC/BA) * (sin(ARB)/sin(ARC));
  D = ABC - deg2rad(180) + BRC + BCA;
  ACR = atan( sin(D)/ (M+cos(D)) );  // should be 31.905 
  printf("angle is  : %f\n", rad2deg(ACR));
  return 0;

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