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hurracane - Plain Text, pasted on Aug 12:
//59) block out of map in mp_uo_powcamp && mp_uo_harbor
//60) seeker bashes hider -> hider reflects damage and shellshocks seeker -> "Reflect Pain"
//61) attract hiders power for seekers -> Gravitational pull
//62) autobalance hns
63) ranks	->hiders: 
					->first -- 10% longer and stronger.
					->second -- 20% longer and stronger.
					->third -- 30% longer and stronger.
					->fourth -- 50% fall damage reduction.
					->fifth -- Receive power when spawning.
					->first -- 10% longer and stronger.
					->second -- 20% longer and stronger.
					->third -- 30% longer and stronger.
					->fourth -- 50% fall damage reduction.
					->fifth -- hiders bleed to death if they're not dead after the first bash (cancels if they pick up a health pack)
	You only get points for one jump every round, least amount of points is 1, maximum is 5. 
	Survivors get points added to the points they got for their jump to make the total 3
	People who survived, and didn't do any jump get the average of points collected by everyone

64) make smoke less thick or think of new way to make it actually useful
65) add all hns precached strings to the .str file to save on gamestate
66) only show 'v6' in quickchat menu when it's LDM/LTDM
67) seekers can place traps, if a hider walks in them he gets infected with a "seed". After one minute this seed grows and starts killing the hider
	hiders can step into a fire (that's spawned in the map on power locations) and stay there for a few seconds, while the seed burns off
	if they don't do that, they die and turn into a plant
68) look and think about the way powers get spawned
69) think of something so certain gametypes aren't allowed
70) only enable voting after a few minutes in the map
71) cap everyones fps at 125 in hns
72) radar displays wrong number of people if someone shot a person (so he appears on radar)

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