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rplantiko - Perl, pasted on Aug 7:
# Everyday perl
# An everyday perl script, showing some useful techniques
# Here, the task is:
#   Search in a text for occurrences of 
#    setFieldValue( ..., "<field>" )
#    getFieldValue( ..., "<field>" )
# Print the field names in a structured list, sorted and without duplicates
# Print such a field name list for each file 
# that is introduced by a line containing its name, ending with .js,
# Techniques employed:
# - Attaching text right after the script with __DATA__, and reading it with special file handle <DATA>
#   (For looping several times, it could be reset with "seek" between the loops, 
#    see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4459601)
# - Avoiding globals, passing data references between the subroutines
# - Using a Hash of Arrays (HoA) for keeping track of the field lists per file
# - Using the compact notion "@$..." for dereferencing an array
# - Using an auxiliary hash (%unique_fields) for making the field list unique
# - Using statement modifiers " ... if ... " instead of braced code blocks

use strict;
use warnings;

  search( ) 

sub search {
  my $fields = {};
  my $names;
  while (<DATA>) {
	  $names = ($fields->{$1} = []) if (/^(\w+\.js.*)/);
	  push @$names, $1              if $names and /[sg]etFieldValue.*?"(.*)"/ ;   	  
  return $fields;

sub output {
my $fields = shift;	
my $sep = '-' x 80 . "\n";
my %unique_fields;  
foreach (keys %$fields) {
  print "\n$sep$_\n$sep";
  %unique_fields = map { $_ => 1} sort @{$fields->{$_}};
  foreach (sort keys %unique_fields) { print "$_\n" }


auktion.js                    auktion javascript

     109 : 	// Ermittlung der Zeile
     110 : 	lRow = lDataTable.fnGetPosition( iInput.parentNode )[0];
     111 : 	
     112 : 	// Ermittlung weiterer Berechnungs-Parameter
     113 : 	lObetr 		  = iInput.value;
     114 : 	lOwaer		  = getFieldValue( lDataTable, lRow, "owaer" );
     115 : 	lOwaer_lief = getFieldValue( lDataTable, lRow, "owaer_lief" );
     116 :
     117 : 	doRequest(
     118 : 	  toRelative( "/zfg/auktion?"+
     119 : 	  "event=obetr_changed"+
     120 : 	  "&obetr="+lObetr+

     135 :   setMessage("msg", calculations.error, "warning" );
     136 :   //return; andere Ergebniswerte trotzem eintragen
     137 :   }
     138 :
     139 : 	var lDataTable = getDataTable( iTableId );
     140 : 	setFieldValue( lDataTable, iRow, "obetr_lief", calculations.obetr_lief );
     141 : }
     142 :
     143 : function getDataTable( tableID ) {
     144 :
     145 : 	var lDataTable;

     151 : 		}
     152 : 		return lDataTable;
     153 : 		
     154 : }
     155 :
     156 : function getFieldValue( iDataTable, iRow, iColName) {
     157 : 	var lColIndx = iDataTable.fnGetColumnIndex(iColName);
     158 : 	var lData = iDataTable.fnGetData( iRow, lColIndx);
     159 : 	if (lData.match(/<span/i) || lData.match(/<div/i))
     160 : 		{
     161 : 			return jQuery(lData).text(); // Inhalt des span 'herauslösen':

     169 : 		return lData;
     170 : 		}
     171 : }
     172 :
     173 :
     174 : function setFieldValue( iDataTable, iRow, iColName, iValue) {
     175 : 	if (iValue){
     176 : 		lColIndx = iDataTable.fnGetColumnIndex(iColName);
     177 : 		iDataTable.fnUpdate( iValue, iRow, lColIndx );
     178 : 		}
     179 : }

offerte.js                    JS-Funktionen

     143 : 	
     144 : //	genericSubmit( "main__gofablehnen" );	
     145 : 	
     146 : 	}
     147 : 	
     148 : function setFieldValue( iDataTable, iRow, iColName, iValue) {
     149 : 	var lColIndx;
     150 : 	if (iValue){
     151 : 		lColIndx = iDataTable.fnGetColumnIndex(iColName);
     152 : 		iDataTable.fnUpdate( iValue, iRow, lColIndx );
     153 : 		}


     579 :    lDataTable = getDataTable( tableID );
     580 : // Ermittlung der Zeile
     581 :    lRow = lDataTable.fnGetPosition( iInput.parentNode )[0];
     582 :
     583 : // Ermittlung weiterer Berechnungs-Parameter
     584 :    owaer = getFieldValue( lDataTable, lRow, "owaer_of" );
     585 :    hwaer = getFieldValue( lDataTable, lRow, "hwaer" );
     586 : /*
     587 : * Nur für VK- Sicht:
     588 : * zur Berechnung der BP sind sehr viele Parameter nötig
     589 : * deshalb wird dafür die Offertposition + Session-ID übergeben,
     590 : * aus der der Requestbehandler alle nötigen Infos ermitteln kann
     591 : */
     592 : if (tableID == "zfg_ausschreib_bew_vk"){
     593 :    belnr_of  = getFieldValue( lDataTable, lRow, "belnr_of" );
     594 :    posnr_of  = getFieldValue( lDataTable, lRow, "posnr_of" );
     595 :    vkmat     = getFieldValue( lDataTable, lRow, "vkmat_vk" );
     596 :    status_of = getFieldValue( lDataTable, lRow, "status_of" );
     597 :    sap_appcontext = get_appcontext();
     598 :    }
     599 : */
     600 : if (tableID == "zfg_ausschreib_bew_vk"){
     601 :    belnr_of  = getFieldValue( lDataTable, lRow, "belnr_of" );
     602 :    posnr_of  = getFieldValue( lDataTable, lRow, "posnr_of" );
     603 :    vkmat     = getFieldValue( lDataTable, lRow, "vkmat_vk" );
     604 :    status_of = getFieldValue( lDataTable, lRow, "status_of" );
     605 :    sap_appcontext = get_appcontext();
     606 :    }
     607 :
     608 : */
     609 : if (tableID == "zfg_ausschreib_bew_vk"){
     610 :    belnr_of  = getFieldValue( lDataTable, lRow, "belnr_of" );
     611 :    posnr_of  = getFieldValue( lDataTable, lRow, "posnr_of" );
     612 :    vkmat     = getFieldValue( lDataTable, lRow, "vkmat_vk" );
     613 :    status_of = getFieldValue( lDataTable, lRow, "status_of" );
     614 :    sap_appcontext = get_appcontext();
     615 :    }
     616 :
     617 : // wenn Betrag in Lieferantenwährung eingegeben wurde:

     591 : */
     592 : if (tableID == "zfg_ausschreib_bew_vk"){
     593 :    belnr_of  = getFieldValue( lDataTable, lRow, "belnr_of" );
     594 :    posnr_of  = getFieldValue( lDataTable, lRow, "posnr_of" );
     595 :    vkmat     = getFieldValue( lDataTable, lRow, "vkmat_vk" );
     596 :    status_of = getFieldValue( lDataTable, lRow, "status_of" );
     597 :    sap_appcontext = get_appcontext();
     598 :    }
     599 :
     600 : // wenn Betrag in Lieferantenwährung eingegeben wurde:
     601 : if (iSource == "owaer"){

     661 :    lTd = getTd( lDataTable, lRow , "obetr_of" );
     662 :
     663 : // Ermittlung der Werte für Vergleich Obetr vs. Obetr_MGB
     664 :    lObetr_mgb = iInput.value;
     665 :    if (iSource == "hwaer"){
     666 :    	lObetr = getFieldValue( lDataTable, lRow, "obetr_hwaer");}
     667 :    if (iSource == "owaer"){
     668 :     lObetr = getFieldValue( lDataTable, lRow, "obetr_of");}
     669 :    if (	Number(lObetr) <= Number(lObetr_mgb) ){
     670 :    	setClass(lTd,"green");
     671 :    	resetClass(lTd,"red");
     672 :   	}

     690 : 		break;
     691 : 		}
     692 : 		return lDataTable;
     693 : 	}
     694 :
     695 : function getFieldValue( iDataTable, iRow, iColName) {
     696 : 	var lColIndx = iDataTable.fnGetColumnIndex(iColName);
     697 : 	var lData = iDataTable.fnGetData( iRow, lColIndx);
     698 : 	if (lData.match(/<span/i) || lData.match(/<div/i))
     699 : 		{
     700 : 			return jQuery(lData).text(); // Inhalt des span 'herauslösen':

     707 : 		{
     708 : 		return lData;
     709 : 		}
     710 : 	}
     711 :
     712 : function setFieldValue( iDataTable, iRow, iColName, iValue) {
     713 : 	if (iValue){
     714 : 		lColIndx = iDataTable.fnGetColumnIndex(iColName);
     715 : 		iDataTable.fnUpdate( iValue, iRow, lColIndx );
     716 : 		}
     717 : 	}

     722 : 	return iDataTable.fnGetTd( lTr, lColIndx );
     723 : 	}
     724 :
     725 : function setCalculatedFieldsEK( tableID, iRow, calculations ) {
     726 : 	var lDataTable = getDataTable( tableID );
     727 : 	setFieldValue( lDataTable, iRow, "obetr_mgb_hwaer", calculations.obetr_mgb_hwaer );
     728 : 	setFieldValue( lDataTable, iRow, "obetr_mgb_of", calculations.obetr_mgb_owaer );
     729 : 	}
     730 :
     731 : function setCalculatedFieldsVK( tableID, iRow, calculations ) {
     732 : 	var lDataTable = getDataTable( tableID );
     733 : 	setFieldValue( lDataTable, iRow, "obetr_mgb_hwaer", calculations.obetr_mgb_hwaer );
     734 : 	setFieldValue( lDataTable, iRow, "obetr_mgb_of", calculations.obetr_mgb_owaer );
     735 : 	setFieldValue( lDataTable, iRow, "bp_via_vk", calculations.bp_via );
     736 : 	setFieldValue( lDataTable, iRow, "bp_dir_vk", calculations.bp_dir );
     737 : 	}

     937 : // hauptsächlich aus hidden fields:
     938 :   apmgb = byId("posDet_apmgb").value;
     939 :   belnr_of = byId("posDet_belnr_of").value;
     940 :   posnr_of = byId("posDet_posnr_of").value;
     941 :   ekmat    = byId("posDet_matnr").value;
     942 :   vkmat    = getFieldValue( lDataTable, lRow, "vkmat" );
     943 :   sap_appcontext = get_appcontext();
     944 :   doRequest(
     945 : 		toRelative( "/zfg/ausschreibung?"+
     946 :     "event=calculateItemVK"+
     947 :     "&ap_mgb="+apmgb+



auktion.js                    auktion javascript

offerte.js                    JS-Funktionen

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