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C, pasted on Aug 16:
source openrc demo demo

# create public network and subnet for floating IPs and public router IPs
PUB_NET_ID=`quantum net-create public | grep ' id' | awk '{ print $4}'`
PUB_SUBNET_ID=`quantum subnet-create $PUB_NET_ID | grep ' id' | awk '{ print $4}'`

# create two private networks
PRIV_NET1_ID=`quantum net-create priv-net1 | grep ' id' | awk '{ print $4}'`
SUBNET1_ID=`quantum subnet-create $PRIV_NET1_ID | grep ' id' | awk '{ print $4}'`
PRIV_NET2_ID=`quantum net-create priv-net2 | grep ' id' | awk '{ print $4}'`
SUBNET2_ID=`quantum subnet-create $PRIV_NET2_ID | grep ' id' | awk '{ print $4}'`

# create router

# connect router to the two private subnets
ROUTER_ID=`quantum router-create router1 | grep ' id' | awk '{ print $4}'`
quantum router-interface-add $ROUTER_ID $SUBNET1_ID
quantum router-interface-add $ROUTER_ID $SUBNET2_ID

# connect router to the upstream public network
quantum router-gateway-set $ROUTER_ID $PUB_NET_ID

# boot two VMS
IMG_ID=`nova image-list | grep cirros | grep -v kernel | grep -v ram | awk -F "|" '{print $2}'`
VM1_ID=`nova boot --image $IMG_ID --flavor 1 --nic net-id=$PRIV_NET1_ID test1 | grep ' id' | awk '{ print $4 }'`
VM2_ID=`nova boot --image $IMG_ID --flavor 1 --nic net-id=$PRIV_NET2_ID test2 | grep ' id' | awk '{ print $4 }'`

VM1_PORT_ID=`quantum port-list -c id -c device_id | grep $VM1_ID | awk '{ print $4 }'`
VM2_PORT_ID=`quantum port-list -c id -c device_id | grep $VM2_ID | awk '{ print $4 }'`

# create floating IP for VM1, and associate as a second step
FIP1_ID=`quantum floatingip-create $PUB_NET_ID | grep ' id' | awk '{ print $4 }'`
quantum floatingip-associate $FIP1_ID $VM1_PORT_ID

# create floating IP for VM2, associating it in same step
FIP2_ID=`quantum floatingip-create $PUB_NET_ID --port_id $VM2_PORT_ID | grep ' id' | awk '{ print $4 }'`

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