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Haskell, pasted on May 13:
import Data.Ratio
import Numeric

-- Standard combinatorics functions:
factorial 0 = 1
factorial n = n * factorial (n - 1)
choose n r = (factorial n) `div` (factorial r) `div` (factorial (n - r))

-- Probability of exactly r probability-p outcomes over n trials:
exactly p n r | n >= r = (choose n r) % 1 * (p ^ r) * ((1 - p) ^ (n - r))
              | otherwise = 0

-- Probability of exactly rp probability-p outcomes and rq probability-q outcomes over n trials, the outcomes being disjoint:
exactly2 p q n rp rq = (exactly p n rp) * (exactly (q / (1 - p)) (n - rp) rq)

-- Probability of more probability-p outcomes than probability-q outcomes over n trials, the outcomes being disjoint:
more p q n = sum $ map (uncurry $ exactly2 p q n) $ concatMap under [0 .. n] where under i = map ((,) i) [0 .. (i - 1)]

-- Probability of fumbling under the old mechanic (rolling no successes and at least two 1s on d10s) with n dice and target t:
old_fumble t n = (((t - 1) % 10) ^ n) * (sum $ map (exactly (1 % (t - 1)) n) $ [2 .. n])

-- Probability of succeeding under the old mechanic (roll at least one success on d10s) with n dice and target t:
old_succeed t n = 1 - (((t - 1) % 10) ^ n)

-- Probability of fumbling under the new mechanic (roll no "R"s and more "F"s than successes on d12s) with n dice and target t:
new_fumble t n = ((11 % 12) ^ n) * (more (1 % 11) ((11 - t) % 11) n)

-- Probability of succeeding under the new mechanic (roll an "R" or else more successes than "F"s on d12s) with n dice and target t:
new_succeed t n = (1 - no_rs) + no_rs * (more ((11 - t) % 11) (1 % 11) n) where no_rs = ((11 % 12) ^ n)

-- Table Ranges and Headings:
targets = [5 .. 10]
pool_sizes = [2 .. 10]
row_headings = map format targets where format target = "Target " ++ (showInt target "")
column_headings = map format pool_sizes where format pool_size = "Pool of " ++ (showInt pool_size "")

-- Formatting:
tabulate strings = (concatMap tab strings) ++ "\n" where tab string = string ++ "\t"
prettify p = showFFloat (Just 4) (fromRational p) "\t"
prettify_row heading row = tabulate $ [heading] ++ map prettify row
prettify_grid row_headings column_headings grid = (tabulate column_headings) ++ (concatMap (uncurry prettify_row) $ zip row_headings grid)
prettify_results title function = prettify_grid row_headings ([title] ++ column_headings) $ map f targets where f target = map (function target) pool_sizes

main = do
  putStrLn $ prettify_results "Fumble (Old)" old_fumble
  putStrLn $ prettify_results "Fumble (New)" new_fumble
  putStrLn $ prettify_results "Succeed (Old)" old_succeed
  putStrLn $ prettify_results "Succeed (New)" new_succeed

Fumble (Old)	Pool of 2	Pool of 3	Pool of 4	Pool of 5	Pool of 6	Pool of 7	Pool of 8	Pool of 9	Pool of 10	
Target 5	0.0100		0.0100		0.0067		0.0038		0.0019		0.0009		0.0004		0.0002		0.0001		
Target 6	0.0100		0.0130		0.0113		0.0082		0.0054		0.0033		0.0019		0.0011		0.0006		
Target 7	0.0100		0.0160		0.0171		0.0153		0.0123		0.0092		0.0066		0.0046		0.0031		
Target 8	0.0100		0.0190		0.0241		0.0255		0.0243		0.0217		0.0185		0.0152		0.0121		
Target 9	0.0100		0.0220		0.0323		0.0396		0.0437		0.0450		0.0442		0.0420		0.0388		
Target 10	0.0100		0.0250		0.0417		0.0580		0.0727		0.0851		0.0949		0.1022		0.1071		

Fumble (New)	Pool of 2	Pool of 3	Pool of 4	Pool of 5	Pool of 6	Pool of 7	Pool of 8	Pool of 9	Pool of 10	
Target 5	0.0625		0.0457		0.0328		0.0235		0.0168		0.0121		0.0087		0.0062		0.0045		
Target 6	0.0764		0.0613		0.0478		0.0369		0.0284		0.0218		0.0168		0.0129		0.0099		
Target 7	0.0903		0.0804		0.0679		0.0563		0.0463		0.0379		0.0310		0.0253		0.0207		
Target 8	0.1042		0.1030		0.0945		0.0840		0.0735		0.0639		0.0553		0.0478		0.0412		
Target 9	0.1181		0.1291		0.1285		0.1225		0.1142		0.1050		0.0957		0.0869		0.0785		
Target 10	0.1319		0.1586		0.1712		0.1751		0.1735		0.1684		0.1613		0.1531		0.1444		

Succeed (Old)	Pool of 2	Pool of 3	Pool of 4	Pool of 5	Pool of 6	Pool of 7	Pool of 8	Pool of 9	Pool of 10	
Target 5	0.8400		0.9360		0.9744		0.9898		0.9959		0.9984		0.9993		0.9997		0.9999		
Target 6	0.7500		0.8750		0.9375		0.9688		0.9844		0.9922		0.9961		0.9980		0.9990		
Target 7	0.6400		0.7840		0.8704		0.9222		0.9533		0.9720		0.9832		0.9899		0.9940		
Target 8	0.5100		0.6570		0.7599		0.8319		0.8824		0.9176		0.9424		0.9596		0.9718		
Target 9	0.3600		0.4880		0.5904		0.6723		0.7379		0.7903		0.8322		0.8658		0.8926		
Target 10	0.1900		0.2710		0.3439		0.4095		0.4686		0.5217		0.5695		0.6126		0.6513		

Succeed (New)	Pool of 2	Pool of 3	Pool of 4	Pool of 5	Pool of 6	Pool of 7	Pool of 8	Pool of 9	Pool of 10	
Target 5	0.7431		0.8339		0.8888		0.9241		0.9476		0.9634		0.9743		0.9818		0.9871		
Target 6	0.6806		0.7795		0.8425		0.8853		0.9153		0.9370		0.9527		0.9644		0.9730		
Target 7	0.6042		0.7112		0.7816		0.8314		0.8682		0.8961		0.9175		0.9342		0.9472		
Target 8	0.5139		0.6256		0.7021		0.7582		0.8012		0.8352		0.8624		0.8847		0.9029		
Target 9	0.4097		0.5191		0.5987		0.6596		0.7080		0.7474		0.7803		0.8080		0.8317		
Target 10	0.2917		0.3883		0.4652		0.5279		0.5802		0.6246		0.6628		0.6961		0.7255		

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