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C++, pasted on Aug 15:
//!Function for real-time hand extraction
void extractHand(IplImage* img)
	set<HighlightPixel,lthp> handPixels;

	//Variable for parallelization
	int nthreads, tid;
	//Parallel segment
#pragma omp parallel num_threads(NUMTHREADS) private(nthreads, tid)
		//Get total number of threads
		nthreads = omp_get_num_threads();
		//Get current thread id
		tid = omp_get_thread_num();

		//Iterate through each row
		for(int i = tid * (img->height - 1)/nthreads; i < (tid+1) * (img->height - 1)/nthreads; ++i)
			//Iterate through each pixel in i row
			for(int j = 0; j < img->width - 1; ++j)
				//Grab the color of the pixel
				CvScalar color = cvGet2D(img,i,j);
				//Check each element in the profile
				for(int x = 0; x < PROFILE_SIZE; ++x)
					//Compare the pixel too a the element in the profile
						//If so, select pixel

						HighlightPixel p;
						p.i = i;
						p.j = j;

						//Critical section to prevent data acess violations
#pragma omp critical


	//Initialize variables to default stage
	int highestY = -1;
	int lowestY = -1;
	int highestX = -1;
	int lowestX = -1;
	int sumX = 0;

	//Iterate through all pixels, finding the sum, the highest point, and the lowest point
	for(set<HighlightPixel,lthp>::iterator it = handPixels.begin(); it != handPixels.end(); ++it)
		sumX += (*it).i;
		if(highestY == -1 || (*it).j > highestY)
			highestY = (*it).j;
		if(lowestY == -1 || (*it).j < lowestY)
			lowestY = (*it).j;
		if(highestX == -1 || (*it).i > highestX)
			highestX = (*it).i;
		if(lowestX == -1 || (*it).i < lowestX)
			lowestX = (*it).i;

	//Draw a circle for the center of the hand
	cvCircle(img,cvPoint((highestY-lowestY)/2 + lowestY,sumX/handPixels.size()),3,cvScalar(0, 0, 255, 0),1,8,0);
	//Draw a rectangle bounding box
	cvRectangle(img,cvPoint(lowestY, lowestX),cvPoint(highestY, highestX),cvScalar(0, 0, 255, 0),1, 8, 0);

	if(openHandWidth == -1)
		openHandWidth = highestX - lowestX;
	if(openHandHeight == -1)
		openHandHeight = highestY - lowestY;

	//Set all states to false
	for (map<const char*,bool>::iterator it=state.begin() ; it != state.end(); it++ )
		(*it).second = false;

	//State catching
	StateCatcher(highestX - lowestX,highestY - lowestY);

	//Gesture catching
	GestureCatcher((highestY-lowestY)/2 + lowestY,sumX/handPixels.size());

	//Display state debug information
	int i = 0;
	for (map<const char*,bool>::iterator it=state.begin() ; it != state.end(); it++ )
		if((*it).second == true)
			cvPutText (img,(*it).first,cvPoint(0,i*20+20), &font, cvScalar(255,255,0));

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