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C++, pasted on Feb 23:
using GLib;

public class Pronto {

    private DBusConnection dbusConn;
    private uint filterFuncId;

    public Pronto() {
        try {
            // Get the session bus
            this.dbusConn = Bus.get_sync(BusType.SESSION);
        } catch (IOError ioe) {
            // Print out the error and run for the hills!
            stdout.printf("Unable to obtain the session bus. [%s]\n", ioe.message);
    public void setup() {
        // Add our filter function
        this.filterFuncId = this.dbusConn.add_filter(this.messageFilter);
    public unowned DBusMessage messageFilter(DBusConnection connection, DBusMessage message, bool incoming) {
        if (message.get_interface() == "org.freedesktop.Notifications" && message.get_member() == "Notify") {

        return message;
    public static int main (string[] args) {
        var p = new Pronto();
        var mainLoop = new MainLoop();
        return 0;


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