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Haskell, pasted on Feb 11:
module HeightProperties where

open import Tree
open import BalancedProperty
open import Data.Unit
open import Data.Empty

open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Maybe
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality

open -Reasoning

insertFullTree-height : {A : Set} (a : A) (t : Tree A)  Full t  (1 + height t)  height (insertFullTree a t)
insertFullTree-height a leaf _ = refl
insertFullTree-height a ._ (branch _ t t full _ height-) with insertFullTree-height a t full
... | eq = cong suc (lemma height- eq)
  lemma :  {a b c}  a  b
                     1 + a  c
                     1 + (a  b)  c  b
  lemma {zero}  refl refl = refl
  lemma {suc a} refl refl = cong suc (lemma {a} refl refl)

sucself :  b  suc b  b  suc b  suc b
sucself zero = refl
sucself (suc n) = cong suc (sucself n)

insertTree-height : {A : Set} (a : A) {t : Tree A}  Balanced t  maybe (λ t  height t  height t)  (insertTree a t)
insertTree-height a leaf = _
insertTree-height a (branchˡ a' t t y y' y0)
  with insertTree a t | insertTree-height a y | insertFullTree-height a t y'
...  | nothing         | _                     | t₂′-height  rewrite sym t₂′-height | y0 = cong suc (sucself (height t))
...  | just t₁′        | t₁′-height            | _           rewrite t₁′-height          = refl
insertTree-height a (branchʳ a' t t y y' y0)
  with insertTree a t | insertTree-height a y'
... | nothing          | _                             = _
... | just t₂′         | t₂′-height rewrite t₂′-height = refl

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