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C, pasted on Mar 31:
int category, item, price[5][5], limit, x, y, z;
char product[5][5][30], type[5][30];
x = 1;
type[x][30] = "Gaming Consoles";
product[x][1][30] = "Nintendo DS";
price[x][1] = 6400;
product[x][2][30] = "Sony PSP-3000";
price[x][2] = 6600;
product[x][3][30] = "Nintendo Wii";
price[x][3] = 9400;
product[x][4][30] = "Microsoft XBOX360";
price[x][4] = 12200;
product[x][5][30] = "Sony PS3";
price[x][5] = 14200;
x = 2;
type[x][30] = "Phones";
product[x][1][30] = "Samsung Galaxy S 4G";
price[x][1] = 11500;
product[x][2][30] = "HTC Thunderbolt";
price[x][2] = 13600;
product[x][3][30] = "Nokia N8";
price[x][3] = 33500;
product[x][4][30] = "iPhone 4";
price[x][4] = 44200;
product[x][5][30] = "RIM BlackBerry Bold 9700";
price[x][5] = 48300;
x = 3;
type[x][30] = "Laptops";
product[x][1][30] = "Gateway NV51B05u";
price[x][1] = 28500;
product[x][2][30] = "Asus U31JG A1";
price[x][2] = 45600;
product[x][3][30] = "Acer Iconia 6120";
price[x][3] = 50650;
product[x][4][30] = "Apple MacBook Pro";
price[x][4] = 65000;
product[x][5][30] = "HP Envy 17";
price[x][5] = 90500;
x = 4;
product[x][1][30] = "Westinghouse SK-26H640G";
price[4][1] = 28500;
product[x][2][30] = "LG Infinia 60PX950";
price[4][2] = 60650;
product[x][3][30] = "Vizio Razor XVT3D650SV";
price[4][3] = 71000;
product[x][4][30] = "Samsung LN26C350";
price[4][4] = 96000;
product[x][5][30] = "Sony Bravia KDL-46EX720";
price[4][5] = 110500;
x = 5;
type[x][30] = "Earphones";
product[x][1][30] = "MeElectronics M9";
price[5][1] = 1200;
product[x][2][30] = "Jays A-Jays Four";
price[5][2] = 4150;
product[x][3][30] = "Klipsch Image S4";
price[5][3] = 5550;
product[x][4][30] = "Monster Beats by Dr. Dre Tour";
price[5][4] = 12550;
product[x][5][30] = "Shure SE535";
price[5][5] = 21500;
printf("Welcome to the VicStore!\nWith this program, you can find our products sorted by category and filtered by a price range.\n\nPlease press the desired key: \n");
printf("[1] %s\n[2] %s\n[3] %s\n[4] %s\n[5] %s", type[1][30], type[2][30], type[3][30], type[4][30], type[5][30]);
category = getch() - 48;
printf("%s List:\n\n[%d] %s\n[%d] %s\n[%d] %s\n[%d] %s\n[%d] %s\n\nPlease enter the maximum price to filter down the list: ", type[category][30], price[category][1], product[category][1][30], price[category][2], product[category][2][30], price[category][3], product[category][3][30], price[category][4], product[category][4][30], price[category][5], product[category][5][30]);
scanf("%d", &limit);
printf("%s suited for your budget: \n\n", type[category][30]);
for(item = 1; item < 6; item++)
	if(limit > price[category][item])
		printf("[%d] %s\n", price[category][item], product[category][item][30]);

Line 17: error: conio.h: No such file or directory
In function 'main':
Line 9: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast
Line 10: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast
Line 12: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast
Line 14: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast
Line 16: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast
Line 18: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast
Line 21: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast
Line 22: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast
Line 24: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast
Line 26: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast
Line 28: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast
Line 30: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast
Line 33: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast
Line 34: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast
Line 36: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast
Line 38: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast
Line 40: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast
Line 42: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast
Line 45: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast
Line 47: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast
Line 49: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast
Line 51: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast
Line 53: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast
Line 56: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast
Line 57: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast
Line 59: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast
Line 61: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast
Line 63: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast
Line 65: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast

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