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C, pasted on Feb 14:
uint16_t tempo;
uint16_t newtempo; // changed by the interrupt then updated to the current tempo?
uint16_t xtempo; // stored tempo in eeprom
volatile uint32_t tempo_x0;
volatile uint8_t cshfl = 1; // shuffled clock or not?
volatile uint8_t cshfl_i = 0;
volatile uint32_t tempo_xA;
volatile uint32_t tempo_xB;
const uint8_t shfl_idx2level[21] =
		/* top secret values here */

const uint16_t cshfl_coeffs1[11] =
		/* top secret values here */
const uint16_t cshfl_coeffs2[11] =
		/* top secret values here */

volatile uint8_t zshfl_lvl = 0xFF;

#define Z_TEMPO_ONE 4294967295000000

void change_tempo(uint16_t set_tempo)
    if (set_tempo > MAX_TEMPO)
        set_tempo = MAX_TEMPO;
    if (set_tempo < MIN_TEMPO)
        set_tempo = MIN_TEMPO;

    if (tempo != set_tempo)
        // don't send serial messages from here
        z_send_tempo = 1;
        // tempo hasn't changed
        if (cshfl)
            const uint8_t lvl = (shfl_idx2level[shuffle_idx] & 0x7F);
            if (lvl != zshfl_lvl)
                zshfl_lvl = lvl;
            else { return; }
        else { return; }
    newtempo = tempo = set_tempo;
    if (cshfl)
        // multiply tempo by (100 * 10000)
        const uint32_t txx = (uint32_t)(set_tempo) * 1000000;
        tempo_xA = txx/cshfl_coeffs1[zshfl_lvl];
        tempo_xA = Z_TEMPO_ONE / (tempo_coeff/tempo_xA);
        tempo_xB = txx/cshfl_coeffs2[zshfl_lvl];
        tempo_xB = (uint64_t)(Z_TEMPO_ONE) / (tempo_coeff/tempo_xB);
        // multiply tempo by 100
        const uint32_t txx = (uint32_t)(set_tempo) * 100;
        tempo_x0 = (uint64_t)(Z_TEMPO_ONE) / (tempo_coeff/txx);

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