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C++, pasted on Mar 7:

#include "constants.h"
#include <list>
class Game;
class Board;

class BorderSides
	bool NeedToDrawLine[4];
	bool allFalse();
	bool allTrue();

	friend class BorderVertex;

class BorderVertex
	std::vector<sf::VertexArray> Lines;
	BorderSides TileSides[NUMBER_OF_TILES];
	std::list<int> TilesToAddBorder;
	bool RemovedElements;//for removing elements of tilestoaddborder list
	static const int BackLeftSide = 0;
	static const int BackRightSide = 1;
	static const int FrontLeftSide = 2;
	static const int FrontRightSide = 3;

	int PointIndex, StartingPoint, StartingTile;

	void determineSidesWhichNeedBorder(int TileNumber, Board &BoardObject);	
	bool setTileBorder(int TileNumber, sf::Color ColorToAssign, Board &Theboard, int WhichNeighbor);//remove elements here, set to begin
	void getNextTileForLine(int &TileNumber, int &WhichNeighbor, int TileOwner, Board &TheBoard);
	bool isValidNextTile(int TileNumber, int WhichNeighbor);
	bool isTileOnAddBorderList(int TileNumber);
	bool removElementFromTilesToAddBorder(int TileToRemove);

	void updateLines(Game *GameObject, const std::vector<int> &TilesOnScreen);

	friend class SFML_Program;

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