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Python, pasted on Nov 27:
import timeit

setup = """
import random
item_count = 100000
# divide key range by 5 to ensure lots of duplicates
items = dict((i, random.randint(0, item_count/5)) for i in xrange(item_count))
new_values = [random.randint(0, item_count/5) for i in xrange(item_count)]
setitem_update = """
for i in xrange(item_count):
    items[i] = new_values[i]
straight_update = """
for i in xrange(item_count):
    items.update(i = new_values[i])
straight_update_bulk = """
new_stuff = dict(i,new_values[i]) for i in xrange(item_count)

print 'setitem_update ', timeit.Timer(setitem_update, setup).timeit(1000)
print 'straight_update ', timeit.Timer(straight_update, setup).timeit(1000)
print 'straight_update_bulk ', timeit.Timer(straight_update, setup).timeit(1000)

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