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C++, pasted on Apr 27:
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <mkl_lapack.h>
#include <windows.h>

// \see Numerical Recipes 3rd edition section 2.4
// The problem then looks like:
//          b0   c0    0  0                 0  |        | u0         | r0
//          a1   b1   c1  0                 0  |        | u1         | r1
//          0    a2   b2  c2                0  |        | u2         | r2
//                                             |    *   |         =
//          0    0    0   0   an-2  bn-2  cn-2 |        | un-2       | rn-2
//          0    0    0   0     0   an-1  bn-1 |        | un-1       | rn-1
// the iterator to a is used as reference
// Requires all containers a b c r and u to have the same size = aend - abegin
// Investigated the possibility to use LAPACK routines from the Intel MKL
// however the size and simplicity of the problem argues against this
template <typename Ran, typename ConstRan>
bool TriDiagonal( Ran u,
                         ConstRan abegin, ConstRan aend, ConstRan b, ConstRan c,
                         ConstRan r)
  typedef typename std::iterator_traits<Ran>::value_type uType;
  typedef typename std::iterator_traits<ConstRan>::value_type vType;

  if ( b[0] == static_cast<vType>(0) )
    return false;   // ill-posed problem, rewrite it as a set of n-1 eqns instead of n

  const size_t n = aend - abegin;
  //boost::scoped_array<uType> gam( new uType[n] );  // will be deleted when we go out of scope
  if (n>=32)
    return false;
  uType gam[32];
  vType bet = b[0];
  u[0] = r[0]/bet;
  for (size_t j=1; j<n; ++j)                // Decomposition and forward substitution
    gam[j] = c[j-1] / bet;
    bet    = b[j] - abegin[j]*gam[j];
    if (bet == static_cast<vType>(0))
      return false;  // see Numerical Recipes
    u[j] = (r[j] - abegin[j]*u[j-1])/bet;

  for (size_t j=(n-2); j>0; --j)
    u[j] -= gam[j+1]*u[j+1];               // Backsubstitution
  u[0] -= gam[1]*u[1];  // only reason this iteration is outside the loop is
                        // size_t is typically an unsigned type and therefore
                        // a j>=0 test results in a warning
  return true;

int main()
  MKL_INT nrhs = 1;
  const MKL_INT n    = 16384;
  MKL_INT nn =n;
  double du[n];
  double d[n];
  double a[n];
  double* dl = a+1;
  double b[n];
  double x[n];
  MKL_INT info;
  for (size_t s=0; s<n; ++s)
    du[s] = s+1;
    d[s] = s;
    a[s] = s-1;
    b[s] = n-s;

  dgtsv( &nn, &nrhs, dl, d, du, b, &nn, &info );
  dgtsv( &nn, &nrhs, dl, d, du, b, &nn, &info );
  dgtsv( &nn, &nrhs, dl, d, du, b, &nn, &info );
  dgtsv( &nn, &nrhs, dl, d, du, b, &nn, &info );

  QueryPerformanceCounter( &t0 );  
  TriDiagonal( x, a, a+n, d, du, b);
  QueryPerformanceCounter( &t1 );
  std::cout<< (t1.QuadPart - t0.QuadPart) <<std::endl;
  QueryPerformanceCounter( &t0 );  
  dgtsv( &nn, &nrhs, dl, d, du, b, &nn, &info );
  QueryPerformanceCounter( &t1 );
  std::cout<< (t1.QuadPart - t0.QuadPart) <<std::endl;

  return 0;

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