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hurracane - Plain Text, pasted on May 13:
Hide and Seek
1) Fix radar
//2) Fix daily score resetting (remove scores altogether?)
3) Fix the goddamn autobalance once and for all
4) Fix seekers not changing back to the right model in rare circumstances. Something to do with the hider dying/reconnecting?
5) If people die during the graceperiod, give them a penalty. Also punish them for reconnecting to circumvent the penalty.
6) Add jump spots in mp_uo_bazolles_final

1) Fix the map end on UFA_Island-Jumper

Freeze tag
1) Make better laser effects
2) Add ammo restock points in maps
3) Add nicer leaderboard at the end that doesn't frustrate you when you only have 3 out of 4 'awards'
4) Add freeze-spree
5) Add 'come back' reward when you're the reason your team wins when it looked like you couldn't win
6) fix people getting stuck inside each other when one guy's frozen and someone else gets frozen above him
7) fix the 'correct player position in case of stuck'- script to not fix the position when you're only standing against a frozen 
8) Find a way so people can go spectator when they're frozen. Investigate how playermodels are built and see if I can use it to build fully functional dummy model.
9) Clean up the ice when someone leaves the server
10) Clean up hud when unfreezing someone and he leaves.
11) Freezing a couple of people gets you a grenade that allows you to instantly unfreeze teammates
12) Unfreezing a couple of people gets you a grenade to freeze some enemies
13) In case the new laser system works, allow for different laser colours. 
	Both teams should have a set of available colours that do not overlap with the colours of the other team
	Blue/Green/Light blue/
14) Different freeze-models? 
15) Second weapon that fires 2 fast shots and needs a cooldown after that
1) Change the maprotation variables to be cvars instead of being hardcoded, also increase performance
2) Add more maps to the 'not allowed'-list for hns and ftag, including "nm_pacman" and "nm_unlocked"
3) Build entirely new voting system
4) Fix kicking for minimod
5) Remove bad jump maps to save gamestate
6) Fix hitboxes in minimod menu
7) Make a help UI to replace the typing in menus
8) un-hardcode the server announcements
9) Enable the stuck cmd only for seekers

Map glitches to fix:
1) Review current teleports and consider changing them to killtriggers
2) uo_stanjel, you can fall out of the map from an invisible wall.

Delete following maps
1) nm_unlocked

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