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C++, pasted on Jan 11:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

unsigned int SymbolToNativeIndex(unsigned char chVal)
    unsigned int nVal = 0;
    if (chVal == '0')
        nVal = 0;
    else if (chVal == '1')
        nVal = 1;
    else if (chVal == '2')
        nVal = 2;
    else if (chVal == '3')
        nVal = 3;
    else if (chVal == '4')
        nVal = 4;
    else if (chVal == '5')
        nVal = 5;
    else if (chVal == '6')
        nVal = 6;
    else if (chVal == '7')
        nVal = 7;
    else if (chVal == '8')
        nVal = 8;
    else if (chVal == '9')
        nVal = 9;

    return nVal;

unsigned char GetNext(unsigned char chVal)
    unsigned char chValB = chVal;

    if (chValB == '0')
        chValB = '1';
    else if (chValB == '1')
        chValB = '2';
    else if (chValB == '2')
        chValB = '3';
    else if (chValB == '3')
        chValB = '4';
    else if (chValB == '4')
        chValB = '5';
    else if (chValB == '5')
        chValB = '6';
    else if (chValB == '6')
        chValB = '7';
    else if (chValB == '7')
        chValB = '8';
    else if (chValB == '8')
        chValB = '9';
    else if (chValB == '9')
        chValB = '0';

    return chValB;

unsigned char GetNextDown(unsigned char chVal)
    unsigned char chValB = chVal;

    if (chValB == '0')
        chValB = '9';
    else if (chValB == '1')
        chValB = '0';
    else if (chValB == '2')
        chValB = '1';
    else if (chValB == '3')
        chValB = '2';
    else if (chValB == '4')
        chValB = '3';
    else if (chValB == '5')
        chValB = '4';
    else if (chValB == '6')
        chValB = '5';
    else if (chValB == '7')
        chValB = '6';
    else if (chValB == '8')
        chValB = '7';
    else if (chValB == '9')
        chValB = '8';

    return chValB;

std::string InitBlankNumber()
    std::string strVal;
    return strVal;

// numbers must be of fixed size 10 characters
// 0000000000 to 9999999999 (expected input range)

std::string GetNextNumber(std::string strNumber)
    std::string strVal;
    strVal = InitBlankNumber();
    unsigned char chIndex = '9';

    if (strNumber[SymbolToNativeIndex(chIndex)] != '9')

        strVal[SymbolToNativeIndex(chIndex)] = GetNext(strNumber[SymbolToNativeIndex(chIndex)]);
        chIndex = GetNextDown(chIndex);

        while (chIndex != '0')
            strVal[SymbolToNativeIndex(chIndex)] = strNumber[SymbolToNativeIndex(chIndex)];
            chIndex = GetNextDown(chIndex);

        strVal[SymbolToNativeIndex(chIndex)] = strNumber[SymbolToNativeIndex(chIndex)];

    else if (strNumber[SymbolToNativeIndex(chIndex)] == '9')

        strVal[SymbolToNativeIndex(chIndex)] = '0';
        chIndex = GetNextDown(chIndex);

        bool bStillNine = true;
        while (bStillNine == true)
            bStillNine = (strNumber[SymbolToNativeIndex(chIndex)] == '9');
            if (bStillNine == true)
                strVal[SymbolToNativeIndex(chIndex)] = '0';
                strVal[SymbolToNativeIndex(chIndex)] = GetNext(strNumber[SymbolToNativeIndex(chIndex)]);
                chIndex = GetNextDown(chIndex);
                bStillNine = false;

            chIndex = GetNextDown(chIndex);
            if (chIndex == '0' && bStillNine == true)
                if (strNumber[SymbolToNativeIndex(chIndex)] == '9')
                    strVal[SymbolToNativeIndex(chIndex)] = '0';
                    bStillNine = false;


        while (chIndex != '0')
            strVal[SymbolToNativeIndex(chIndex)] = strNumber[SymbolToNativeIndex(chIndex)];
            chIndex = GetNextDown(chIndex);

        if (chIndex == '0' && bStillNine == false)
            strVal[SymbolToNativeIndex(chIndex)] = strNumber[SymbolToNativeIndex(chIndex)];


    return strVal;

std::string AddNumberToNumber(std::string l, std::string r)
    std::string strResult = l;

    std::string strCounter = InitBlankNumber();

    while (strCounter != r)
        strResult = GetNextNumber(strResult);
        strCounter = GetNextNumber(strCounter);

    return strResult;

std::string MultiplyNumberByNumber(std::string l, std::string r)
    std::string strResult = InitBlankNumber();

    std::string strCounter = InitBlankNumber();

    while (strCounter != r)

        strResult = AddNumberToNumber(strResult, l);
        strCounter = GetNextNumber(strCounter);

    return strResult;


std::string GetInput();
void Test();

int main()
    return 0;

std::string GetInput()
    std::string strInput;
    getline(cin, strInput);
    return strInput;

void Test()

    while (true)

        cout << "Input value A: " << endl;
        std::string strA = GetInput();
        if (strA.size() != 10)
            strA = InitBlankNumber();
            cout << "Number should only be length of 10. Value will be default of: " << InitBlankNumber() << endl;

        cout << "Input value B: " << endl;
        std::string strB = GetInput();
        if (strB.size() != 10)
            strB = InitBlankNumber();
            cout << "Number should only be length of 10. Value will be default of: " << InitBlankNumber() << endl;

        //cout << AddNumberToNumber(strA, strB) << endl;
        cout << MultiplyNumberByNumber(strA, strB) << endl;

        cout << "Press q to quit otherwise input something else to continue." << endl;
        if (GetInput() == "q")

    cout << "Any key plus enter to exit." << endl;

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