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Python, pasted on May 25:
import numpy
import random
import itertools
import math
import sys
import time

#--------------------------------R, G, AnyColour, LED----------------------#
Handsize = 4
Totalresults = numpy.array([0,0,0,0])
#--------------------------------Defining Cards--------------------------------#
class Blank():
class ESG():
	nColour=1														#Number of colours. Manamorphose is 2 colours for instance#
	Colour = numpy.array([[0,1,0,0]])								#Vector for colours. The numbers are R, G, AnyColour, LED#
	nCC=1															#Number of casting costs. Pyretic has a lot of different ways to cast for instance#
	CC = numpy.array([[0,0,0,0]])									#Casting costs themselves#
	def resolve(self, ManapoolIn, CardsIn, x, CantripsIn, RiteIn, StormIn, GrantIn):#Resolving the card#
		CardsOut = CardsIn[:]										#Copy the incoming cards#
		CardsOut[x]= Blank()										#Replace the spot of the card that's being cast with a Blank#							
		ManapoolOut = numpy.add(ManapoolIn, ([0,1,0,0]))			#Calculate new manapool#						
		Play(CardsOut, ManapoolOut, CantripsIn, RiteIn, StormIn, GrantIn)#Play rest of the hand#															
class SSG():
	Colour= numpy.array([[1,0,0,0]])
	CC = numpy.array([[0,0,0,0]])
	def resolve(self, ManapoolIn, CardsIn, x, CantripsIn, RiteIn, StormIn, GrantIn):
		CardsOut = CardsIn[:]
		CardsOut[x]= Blank()																
		ManapoolOut = numpy.add(ManapoolIn, ([1,0,0,0]))									
		Play(CardsOut, ManapoolOut, CantripsIn, RiteIn, StormIn, GrantIn)	
class Petal():
	CC= numpy.array([[0,0,0,0]])
	def resolve(self, ManapoolIn, CardsIn, x, CantripsIn, RiteIn, StormIn, GrantIn):
		CardsOut = CardsIn[:]
		CardsOut[x]= Blank()																
		ManapoolOut = numpy.add(ManapoolIn, ([0,0,1,0]))									
		Play(CardsOut, ManapoolOut, CantripsIn, RiteIn, StormIn+1, GrantIn)

class Pyretic():
	Colour= numpy.array([[1,0,0,0]])
	CC= numpy.array([[2,0,0,0], [1,1,0,0], [1,0,1,0], [0,1,1,0], [0,0,2,0]])
	def resolve(self, ManapoolIn, CardsIn, x, CantripsIn, RiteIn, StormIn, GrantIn):
		CardsOut = CardsIn[:]
		CardsOut[x]= Blank()																
		ManapoolOut = numpy.add(ManapoolIn, ([3,0,0,0]))									
		Play(CardsOut, ManapoolOut, CantripsIn, RiteIn, StormIn+1, GrantIn)	
class LED():
	CC= numpy.array([[0,0,0,0]])
	def resolve(self, ManapoolIn, CardsIn, x, CantripsIn, RiteIn, StormIn, GrantIn):
		CardsOut = CardsIn[:]
		CardsOut[x]= Blank()																
		ManapoolOut = numpy.add(ManapoolIn, ([0,0,0,3]))									
		Play(CardsOut, ManapoolOut, CantripsIn, RiteIn, StormIn+1, GrantIn)

class Tinder():
	Colour = numpy.array([[0,1,0,0]])
	CC= numpy.array([[0,1,0,0], [0,0,1,0]])
	def resolve(self, ManapoolIn, CardsIn, x, CantripsIn, RiteIn, StormIn, GrantIn):
		CardsOut = CardsIn[:]
		CardsOut[x]= Blank()																
		ManapoolOut = numpy.add(ManapoolIn, ([2,0,0,0]))									
		Play(CardsOut, ManapoolOut, CantripsIn, RiteIn, StormIn+1, GrantIn)
class Rite():
	Colour = numpy.array([[1,0,0,0]])
	CC= numpy.array([[1,0,0,0], [0,0,1,0]])
	def resolve(self, ManapoolIn, CardsIn, x, CantripsIn, RiteIn, StormIn, GrantIn):
		CardsOut = CardsIn[:]
		CardsOut[x]= Blank()																
		ManapoolOut = numpy.add(ManapoolIn, ([2+RiteIn,0,0,0]))									
		Play(CardsOut, ManapoolOut, CantripsIn, RiteIn+1, StormIn+1, GrantIn)

class Chrome():
	CC= numpy.array([[0,0,0,0]])
	def resolve(self, ManapoolIn, CardsIn, x, CantripsIn, RiteIn, StormIn, GrantIn):	
		for i in range (Handsize):
			for j in range (CardsIn[i].nColour):
				CardsOut = CardsIn[:]
				CardsOut[x]= Blank()
				CardsOut[i]= Blank()
				ManapoolOut = numpy.add(ManapoolIn, CardsIn[i].Colour[j,:])									
				Play(CardsOut, ManapoolOut, CantripsIn, RiteIn, StormIn+1, GrantIn)

class Grant(): 
	Colour = numpy.array([[0,1,0,0]])
	CC= numpy.array([[0,0,0,0]])
	def resolve(self, ManapoolIn, CardsIn, x, CantripsIn, RiteIn, StormIn, GrantIn):
		CardsOut = CardsIn[:]
		ManapoolOut = numpy.add(ManapoolIn, ([0,0,0,0]))
		for i in range(Handsize+CantripsIn):
			if Shuffle[i]==36:
		if GrantIn>0:
		if Check==1:
			Play(CardsOut, ManapoolOut, CantripsIn, RiteIn, StormIn+1, GrantIn+1)
		elif Check==0:
			CardsOut[x]= Taiga()																
			Play(CardsOut, ManapoolOut, CantripsIn, RiteIn, StormIn+1, GrantIn+1)

class Taiga():
	CC= numpy.array([[0,0,0,0]])
	def resolve(self, ManapoolIn, CardsIn, x, CantripsIn, RiteIn, StormIn, GrantIn):
		CardsOut = CardsIn[:]
		CardsOut[x]= Blank()																
		ManapoolOut1 = numpy.add(ManapoolIn, ([1,0,0,0]))		
		ManapoolOut2 = numpy.add(ManapoolIn, ([0,1,0,0]))
		Play(CardsOut, ManapoolOut1, CantripsIn, RiteIn, StormIn, GrantIn)
		Play(CardsOut, ManapoolOut2, CantripsIn, RiteIn, StormIn, GrantIn)
class Manamorphose():
	Colour = numpy.array([[1,0,0,0], [0,1,0,0]])
	CC= numpy.array([[2,0,0,0], [1,1,0,0], [1,0,1,0], [0,2,0,0], [0,1,1,0], [0,0,2,0]])
	def resolve(self, ManapoolIn, CardsIn, x, CantripsIn, RiteIn, StormIn, GrantIn):
		CardsOut = CardsIn[:]
		CardsOut[x]= Selector(Shuffle[Handsize+CantripsIn])																
		ManapoolOut = numpy.add(ManapoolIn, ([1,1,0,0]))									
		Play(CardsOut, ManapoolOut, CantripsIn+1, RiteIn, StormIn+1, GrantIn)

class Probe():
	nColour=0	#Approximation is made#
	CC= numpy.array([[0,0,0,0]])
	def resolve(self, ManapoolIn, CardsIn, x, CantripsIn, RiteIn, StormIn, GrantIn):
		CardsOut = CardsIn[:]
		CardsOut[x]= Selector(Shuffle[Handsize+CantripsIn])																
		ManapoolOut = numpy.add(ManapoolIn, ([0,0,0,0]))									
		Play(CardsOut, ManapoolOut, CantripsIn+1, RiteIn, StormIn+1, GrantIn)
class Wish(): 
	Colour = numpy.array([[1,0,0,0]])
	CC= numpy.array([[2,0,0,0], [1,0,1,0], [0,0,2,0]])	#Approximation is made#
	def resolve(self, ManapoolIn, CardsIn, x, CantripsIn, RiteIn, StormIn, GrantIn):
		global Results
		if (TotalMana(ManapoolIn)+ManapoolIn[3])>3:		#Needs Editing when Black is included#
			if StormIn>3:
				Results = numpy.add(Results, ([0,0,1,0]))
				Results = numpy.add(Results, ([0,1,0,0]))
class EtW():
	Colour = numpy.array([[1,0,0,0]])
	CC= numpy.array([[1,0,0,0], [0,0,1,0]])
	def resolve(self, ManapoolIn, CardsIn, x, CantripsIn, RiteIn, StormIn, GrantIn):
		global Results
		if TotalMana(ManapoolIn)> 2:
			if StormIn>4:
				Results = numpy.add(Results, ([0,1,0,0]))
				Results = numpy.add(Results, ([0,0,1,0]))
class Belcher():	#Needs Editing when Black is included#
	CC= numpy.array([[0,0,0,0]])
	def resolve(self, ManapoolIn, CardsIn, x, CantripsIn, RiteIn, StormIn, GrantIn):
		global Results
		if TotalMana(ManapoolIn)> 3:
			Results = numpy.add(Results, ([0,0,0,1]))
			if (TotalMana(ManapoolIn)+ManapoolIn[3])>6:
				Results = numpy.add(Results, ([1,0,0,0]))
def Selector(x):   #Decklist goes here. This function takes a number and returns a card class#
	if x==0 or x==1 or x==2 or x==3 or x==4 or x==5 or x==6 or x==7:
		return Pyretic()
	elif x==8 or x==9 or x==10 or x==11:
		return Rite()
	elif x==12 or x==13 or x==14 or x==15:
		return Tinder()
	elif x==16 or x==17 or x==18 or x==19:
		return Petal()
	elif x==20 or x==21 or x==22 or x==23:
		return Chrome()
	elif x==24 or x==25 or x==26 or x==27:
		return ESG()
	elif x==28 or x==29 or x==30 or x==31:
		return SSG()
	elif x==32 or x==33 or x==34 or x==35:
		return Grant()
	elif x==36:
		return Taiga()
	elif x==37 or x==38 or x==39 or x==40:
		return LED()
	elif x==41 or x==42 or x==43 or x==44:
		return Manamorphose()
	elif x==45 or x==46 or x==47 or x==48:
		return Probe()
	elif x==49 or x==50 or x==51 or x==52:
		return Wish()
	elif x==53 or x==54 or x==55 or x==56:
		return Belcher()
	elif x==57 or x==58 or x==59:
		return EtW()
	elif x==60:
		return Blank()
def CompareCost(CastingCost, Manapool):									#Checks if we can pay a manacost of a card#
	for i in range(4):		#Needs editing when Black is included#
		if (Manapool[i]-CastingCost[i])<0:
			return 0
	return 1
def TotalMana(Manapool):	#Needs editing when Black is included. This function makes calculating if we can cast EtW/Belcher a little easier#
	Totalmana = 0
	for i in range (3):
		Totalmana = Totalmana + Manapool[i]
	return Totalmana

def Play(Cards, Manapool, Cantrips, Rite, Storm, Grant):
	for i in range (Handsize):																#Loop over cards in hand#				
		for j in range (Cards[i].nCC):														#Loop over possible mana costs#	
			if CompareCost(Cards[i].CC[j,:], Manapool)==1:									#Check if we can cast card i with manacost j#	
				Cards[i].resolve(numpy.subtract(Manapool, Cards[i].CC[j,:]), Cards, i, Cantrips, Rite, Storm, Grant)		#Subtract manacost and resolve card#		
start_time = time.time()								#This counts the time the whole scripts take#
for i in range(5000):									#Amount of times we run a hand#
	Results = numpy.array([0,0,0,0])					#Vector that keeps count of the result of a goldfish. Numbers mean: BelcherWin, EtW 12+, EtW12-, DropBelcher#
	Shuffle = numpy.random.permutation(60)

	for j in range (Handsize):							#Fill hand with shuffled cards#
	#print " ".join(x.__class__.__name__ for x in Hand)#
	#print Selector(Shuffle[7]).__class__.__name__#
	#print Selector(Shuffle[8]).__class__.__name__#
	#print Selector(Shuffle[9]).__class__.__name__#
	Play(Hand, numpy.array([0,0,0,0]),0, 0, 0, 0)	#Here we start casting#

	for j in range (4):								#Here we figure out if our hand won, and if it did, how#
		if Results[j]>0:
print Totalresults
elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
print "Elapsed time:", elapsed_time	

Traceback (most recent call last):
  Line 1, in <module>
    import numpy
ImportError: No module named numpy

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