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hurracane - Scheme, pasted on Dec 19:
#lang racket
;*        >>>  Canvas   <<<         *
;*  >>>  Jaarproject 2011-2012 <<<  *
;*                                  *
;*    SOFT Software Languages Lab   *
;*               2011               *

; load graphical library
(require graphics/graphics
         racket/math) ;added by sam
; initialize the library

(provide fill-rectangle! 

; Canvas
(define ScaleWindowFactor 1)
(define Pixels-x 1366) ;Original resolution: 800*600
(define Pixels-y 768) ;When changing the resolution, please also change it at the very beginning of vectors.rkt
(define red #xf00)
(define green #x0f0)
(define blue #x00f)
(define (make-color r g b)
  (+ (* r 16 16) (* g 16)  b))

(define (Windowscale x)
  (* x ScaleWindowFactor))

(define MainWindow 
  (open-viewport "Jaarproject (2011-2012)" (Windowscale Pixels-x) (Windowscale Pixels-y)))

(define (my-make-posn x y)
  (make-posn (Windowscale x) (Windowscale y)))

(define (12bitColor2rgb color)
  (make-rgb (/ (bitwise-and color #xf00) #xf00)
            (/ (bitwise-and color #x0f0) #x0f0)
            (/ (bitwise-and color #x00f) #x00f)))

(define (fill-rectangle! x y width height color)
  (define posn (my-make-posn x (- Pixels-y y height)))
  ((draw-solid-rectangle MainWindow)
   (Windowscale width) 
   (Windowscale height) 
   (12bitColor2rgb color)))

(define (draw-text! x y str color)
  (define posn (my-make-posn x (- Pixels-y y)))
  ((draw-string MainWindow) posn str (12bitColor2rgb color)))

(define (put-pixel! x y color)
  (define posn (my-make-posn x (- Pixels-y y)))
  ((draw-pixel MainWindow) posn (12bitColor2rgb color)))

(define (fill-ellipse! x y width height color) 
  (define posn (my-make-posn (-  x (/ width 2) ) (- Pixels-y (/ height 2) y)))
  ((draw-solid-ellipse MainWindow) posn (Windowscale width) (Windowscale  height)  (12bitColor2rgb color)))

(define (draw-line! x1 y1 x2 y2 color)
  (define posn1 (my-make-posn   x1  (- Pixels-y y1)))
  (define posn2 (my-make-posn   x2  (- Pixels-y y2)))
  ((draw-line MainWindow) posn1 posn2 (12bitColor2rgb color)))

;#####-------------------Added by Sam-------------------#####

(define (degrees->radians deg)
  (* deg (/ pi 180)))

;Todo: add support for colours as represented in the rest of the code
;I probably have to convert integers to strings.

;Original positions which don't even make sense
;|(0,0)  (x,0)|
;|            |
;|            |
;|(0,y)  (x,y)|
;What it should actually be like with the origin where it makes much more sense
;-Relative to the 'wrong' origin
;-h = window height
;|(0,h-y) (x,h-y)|
;|               |
;|               |
;|(0,0)     (x,0)|
(define getX (lambda (vec)
               (caadr vec)))
(define getY (lambda (vec)
               (cdr (cadr vec))))
(define makeVec (lambda (x y)
                  (list 'vector (cons x y))))
(define (fill-rectangle-rotated! x bad-y width bad-height colour degrees rotation-origin calcVec)
  ;(x', y') = ((x)cos φ − (y)sin φ, (x)sin φ + (y)cos φ)
  (define a (getX rotation-origin))
  (define b (getY rotation-origin))
  (define (rotate x y radians)
    (cons (- (* x (cos radians)) (* y (sin radians)))
          (+ (* x (sin radians)) (* y (cos radians)))))
  (let* ((y (- Pixels-y bad-y))
         (height (- bad-height))
         (pos1 (my-make-posn 0 height)) ; original rectangle without rotiation
         (pos2 (my-make-posn width height))
         (pos3 (my-make-posn width 0))
         (pos4 (my-make-posn 0 0))
         (offset (my-make-posn x y))
         (rads (degrees->radians degrees))
         (pos1-rotated (my-make-posn (car (rotate 0 height rads))
                                     (cdr (rotate 0 height rads))))
         (pos2-rotated (my-make-posn (car (rotate width height rads))
                                     (cdr (rotate width height rads))))
         (pos3-rotated (my-make-posn (car (rotate width 0 rads))
                                     (cdr (rotate width 0 rads))))
         (pos4-rotated (my-make-posn 0 0)))
    ;display original rectangle without rotation
    ((draw-solid-polygon MainWindow) (list pos1 pos2 pos3 pos4) offset "black")
    ;display rotated
    ((draw-solid-polygon MainWindow) (list pos1-rotated pos2-rotated pos3-rotated pos4-rotated) offset "red")))

(define commands '())

(define (make-command l1 l2)
  (cons l1 l2))

(define (on-key! name function)
  (set! commands (cons (cons name function) commands)))

(define (execute command select)
  (let ((pair (assoc command commands)))
    (when pair
      ((cdr pair)))))

(define (action a) a)
(define (do-action a) (a))

((set-on-key-event MainWindow) 
 (lambda (keypress y) 
   (cond ((not keypress) null)
         ((eq? (key-value keypress) 'release) 'dont-care)
          (execute (key-value keypress) action)))))
; Timer
(define CPU_FREQ 60000000)

(define (make-timer)
  (define time 0) 
  (define wait-time (/ 1 CPU_FREQ))
  (define timer-thread
    (thread (lambda ()
              (let loop ()
                (sleep 0.005) ;wait-time)
                (set! time (+ 1 time))
  (define (dispatch msg)
    (cond ((eq? msg 'time) time)
          ((eq? msg 'start)
           (thread-resume timer-thread))
          ((eq? msg 'restart)
           (set! time 0)
           (thread-resume timer-thread))
          ((eq? msg 'reset)
           (thread-suspend timer-thread)
           (set! time 0))
          ((eq? msg 'stop) (thread-suspend timer-thread))
          ((eq? msg 'set-period!)
           (lambda (period)
             (set! wait-time (* (+ period 1) (/ 1 CPU_FREQ)))))
  (thread-suspend timer-thread)
  (set! time 0)

(define timer0 (make-timer))
((timer0 'set-period!) 100000)
(define (stop-timer timer) (timer 'stop))
(define (start-timer timer) (timer 'start))
(define (restart-timer timer) (timer 'restart))
(define (reset-timer timer) (timer 'reset))
(define (read-timer timer)  (timer 'time))
(define (write-timer-period timer period) ((timer 'set-period!) period))

(start-timer timer0)

(define (current-time)
  (timer0 'time))

(define (start-game-loop loop)
  ((set-on-tick-event MainWindow) 1 (lambda x (loop))))

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