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hurracane - Plain Text, pasted on Jun 30:
-Not sure if i like the moving things in the background. I find it rather weird and sort of distracting at times, really.
-The 'settings for player X' menu should stay black, and not fade to grey-ish transparant, then to black again.
-I feel like there should be different graphics menu. The menu is a bit... well I can't remember what I can find where.
It doesn't feel like it's the correct way to do the graphics menu. 
All the other menus: Yes, but the graphics menu should be a bit more organized and straight to the point I think.
-The 'view controls' thing could have a nicer transition like the actual controls menu does?
-Maybe have a 'back to main menu' button in the bottom right corner? I feel like I've gotten lost in menus before 
(e.g. having to press back a lot of times to get to 'play' and accidentally pressing 'game' in 'options' instead)
-The 'no controls have been set' message could be clearer. I didn't know what it meant at first, and it appeared because I accidentally set two cpu's
You could bring the player directly to the controls menu, and maybe point out what needs to change for him to play right now instead of configuring it all.
-The aim assist is a great piece of programming, but not for a mouse. Maybe it could be set to off for mice by default?
-I don't understand what 'camera zoom' does. 
-Level 4 is called 'orbits', maybe that could say 'Shapes can orbit around others'
-Level 5 is called 'orders', made me think about a restaurant more than 'the order of things', so that needs slight tweaking
-Level 6: The 'i' of 'imploders' is hidden behind a shape. Could be fixed by removing the text altogether (just keep the arrow at the imploding shape)
and put "Just see what happens" on the 'pre-play' menu.
-Maybe after the tutorial level, when the 'medal' thing appears under the level, you could have a 'You've been awarded a <type> medal!" pointy arrow.
So people actually have a clue what they're about
-The levels have become harder. Very good!
-Can you make it so i can zoom out further? Like to the point where I can see a lot more of the level. Would help me a lot on level 9
-Could you make more use of the 'pre-start of the level'-text? I've gotten quite used to reading it the first few levels and I enjoyed doing so. I missed it later on
-Could you make the pause button actually pause the game? Didn't it do this before? 
-Pressing esc should offer 'resume' first rather than the two other ones that don't let me resume like 'back to levels' 
(i thought this would get me back to my game, but it didn't)
-Music levels are way too high by default. I put mine down to 0.1. Maybe you don't experience the music as loud as I do? since you think .68 is silent enough.
I have headphones and it's really loud. 
-Difficulty levels mean nothing to me, really. I don't know what they do and why they matter.
-Level 14: It would give so much satisfaction if you pop all shapes in the level with the implosion
-An indication to the last shapes would be good. I spent so much time searching for the last one in level 19
-mfw that shape showed up in the level menu. 
-When alt tabbed, cursor still reacts
-Level 23: fps lagg as i get closer to the middle, it's quite bad, actually

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