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C, pasted on Oct 28:
list<emitter> emitters;
int current_emitter = 0;

class emitter
	int x, y, z;
	int cx, cy, cz;
	int px, py, pz, ploss;
	byte d, dx, dy, dz;
	emitter(a, b, c)
		x = a;
		y = b;
		z = c;
	void changed()
		d = block_facing(x, y, z);
		switch(d) //for each direction
			case 0: dx = 0; dy = 0; dz = 1; break;
			case 1: dx = 0; dy = 1; dz = 0; break;
			case 2: dx = 1; dy = 0; dz = 0; break;
			case 3: dx =-1; dy = 0; dz = 0; break;
			case 4: dx = 0; dy =-1; dz = 0; break;
			case 5: dx = 0; dy = 0; dz =-1; break;
		cx = x + dx;
		cy = y + dy;
		cz = z + dz;
		px = x;
		py = y;
		pz = z;
		ploss = 0;

//called everytime a new emitter is added to the world
//  not sure exactly how MC works on chunkdata or whether
//  it needs to be stored in a separate file, but this is
//  pseudo-code anyway
void add_emitter(x, y, z)
	emitters.add(new emitter(x,y,z));

//called everytime an emitter is destroyed or removed
//  from the world given the location
void delete_emitter(x, y, z)
	foreach(emitter i in emitters)
		if((i.x == x) && (i.y == y) && (i.z == z))

//called whenever you hit the emitter with the wrench
//  to change its orientation
void change_emitter(x, y, z)
	foreach(emitter i in emitters)
		if((i.x == x) && (i.y == y) && (i.z == z))

//called each tick
void tick_update()
	foreach(emitter i in emitters)
		//check if connected to collector and that the
		//  collector is facing the right direction
		block b = block_at(i.px, i.py, i.pz);
		if((b == Collector) && ((block_facing(i.px, i.py, i.pz) + i.d) == 5))
			//give it a packet
			if(Emitter::is_ready(i.x, i.y, i.z))
				Collector::add_energy(512 - i.ploss);
		//slowly cycle through blocks from emitter to check for
		//  emitters and obstructions.  This is slow to resolve
		//  lag issues on long distances.  Again, not sure how
		//  MC does locations/chunks that are not loaded.
		b = block_at(i.cx, i.cy, i.cz);
		if(b == Air)
			//about 0.2% loss per block, better than
			//  0.78125% of 2xIns Gold but less than
			//  0.00976% of Fibre Cable
			i.ploss += 1;
			i.cx += i.dx;
			i.cy += i.dy;
			i.cz += i.dz;
		if(b == Collector)
			i.px = i.cx;
			i.py = i.cy;
			i.pz = i.cz;
			//there will always be 1 EU no matter what.
			//  You did use a lot of solar panels, and
			//  there has to be SOME light that hits them
			//this is also to let you know if you even are
			//  in line with the emitter
			i.ploss = min(511, i.ploss);
		if(b == Glass)
			//about 1.9% loss through glass due to refraction
			i.ploss += 10;
		if(b == ReinforcedGlass)
			//about 19.5% loss through reinforced glass
			i.ploss += 100;
		//reset and have another go later
		i.cx = i.x + i.dx;
		i.dy = i.y + i.dy;
		i.dz = i.z + i.dz;
		i.px = i.x;
		i.py = i.y;
		i.pz = i.z;

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