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WillNess - C, pasted on Oct 27:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

int main(void){

    long const topnumber = 62837329; // highest number to test for prime
    long primetofind = 3700000; //nth prime we are looking for, BASE 1
    unsigned char number_array[topnumber/8+1]  // Our array of numbers, BASE 0
                                           = {3,0}; // all initialized to 0's
                                                      // 0 and 1 are not primes
    long i = 0, j = 0, k = 0;

    for( i=2; i <= sqrt(topnumber); ++i)
      if( !( number_array[i/8] & (1<<i%8) )
           && (++k))            // i IS A prime
        // printf( " %d%s", i, !(k%20)?"\n":"");
        for(j = i * i; j <= topnumber; j += i)  // START FROM SQR(prime)
            number_array[j/8] |= (1 << j%8);    // NOT a prime

    printf("\n %d primes needed to test primality upto %d", k, topnumber );

    for(i=0, j=0, k=0; i <= topnumber; ++i)   // j-th prime, 1-based (2 is 1st)
        if( !( number_array[i/8] & (1<<(i%8)) )
            && (k=i) 
            && ++j == primetofind )
                printf("\n %dth prime is: %d\n", j, i);

    printf("\n primes not bigger than %d: %d total", topnumber, j);
    printf("\n the topmost prime found is %d.", k);

    return 0;


 1001 primes needed to test primality upto 62837329
 3700000th prime is: 62473031

 primes not bigger than 62837329: 3720273 total
 the topmost prime found is 62837317.

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