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C++, pasted on Sep 6:
#pragma once
// Copyright (c) 2011, Alf P. Steinbach

#ifdef  _MSC_VER
#   pragma warning( disable: 4373 )     // "hey, previous versions of compiler had more bugs"
#   pragma warning( disable: 4100 )     // Unreferenced formal parameter

//-------------------------------------------------- Dependencies:

#include <progrock/compiler_specific/fixups.h>      // CPPX_NOEXCEPT

#include <progrock/cppx/error_handling.h>           // cppx::throwX etc.
#include <progrock/cppx/string_building.h>          // S
#include <progrock/winapi/wrapper/windows_h.h>

#include <system_error>

//-------------------------------------------------- Interface:

#ifndef     CPPX_NOEXCEPT
#   define  CPPX_NOEXCEPT   noexcept

namespace progrock{ namespace winapi{
    using std::string;

    typedef DWORD               ErrorCode;
    typedef cppx::narrow::S     NarrowS;
    typedef unsigned char       UChar;

    namespace errorMessage {
        inline string fromApi( ErrorCode const code )
            struct RawMessage
                char const* p;
                RawMessage(): p(0) {}
                ~RawMessage() { ::LocalFree( const_cast<char*>( p ) ); }

            RawMessage  message;
            int const stringLength    = FormatMessageA(
                    | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM
                    | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS,
                0,              // lpSource
                reinterpret_cast<char*>( &message.p ),
                0,              // nSize

            // Just in case message.p isn't set:
            if( stringLength == 0 ) { return ""; }

            // Remove trailing CR and LF control chars:
            char const* pEnd    = message.p + stringLength;
            for( ;; )
                if( pEnd == message.p ) { break; }
                if( static_cast<UChar>( *(pEnd - 1) ) >= ' ' ) { break; }
            return string( message.p, pEnd );

        inline string withCode( ErrorCode const code, string const& text )
            return NarrowS() << text << " (code " << code << ")";

        inline string forUnknown( ErrorCode const code )
            return errorMessage::withCode( code, "Unknown error" );

        inline string explaining( ErrorCode const code )
            if( code == 0 )
                // ERROR_SUCCESS.
                // Instead of "The operation completed successfully.":
                return errorMessage::forUnknown( code );
            string const    rawMessage  = fromApi( code );
            if( rawMessage.length() == 0 )
                return errorMessage::forUnknown( code );

            return errorMessage::withCode( code, rawMessage );
    }    // namespace errorMessage

    class ErrorCategory
        : public std::error_category
        virtual const char* name() const CPPX_NOEXCEPT
            return "WinApiError";
        virtual std::error_condition default_error_condition( int const code ) const CPPX_NOEXCEPT
            return std::error_condition( code, *this );

        virtual string message( int const code ) const
            return errorMessage::explaining( code );

    inline std::error_category const& errorCategory()
        static ErrorCategory const    theInstance;
        return theInstance;

    class Error
        : public std::system_error
        mutable std::string fullDescription_;

        char const* what() const CPPX_NOEXCEPT
            if( fullDescription_.length() == 0 )
                fullDescription_ = NarrowS()
                    << std::system_error::what() << ": " << code().message()
                    << NarrowS::toString;
            return fullDescription_.c_str();

        Error( int const code, std::string const& description )
            : std::system_error(
                std::error_code( code, ErrorCategory() ),
        virtual ~Error() CPPX_NOEXCEPT {}

    inline HRESULT hResultFrom( std::system_error const& x )
        std::error_code const&  error   = x.code();

        if( error.category() != winapi::errorCategory() )
            return E_FAIL;
        return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( error.value() );     // Deals OK with HRESULT.

    inline HRESULT hResultFromX()
        try { throw; }
        catch( std::system_error const& x ) { return hResultFrom( x ); }
        catch( ... ) {}
        return E_FAIL;

    inline bool throwX( ErrorCode const errorCode, string const& s )
        throw Error( errorCode, s );

} }  // namespace progrock::winapi

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